
Learn Astrology – Lesson One

Published On : December 2, 2015  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Learn Astrology: Lesson  1 – Astrology As A Science

Learn Astrology  – Lesson One by PavitraJyotish

My dear learners of astrology – it is important for you to understand that astrology is not a trick with which you can know your future or fate. In this first lesson of astrology, we will try to understand the Importance of Astrology as a science. Astrology is purely a science similar to Physics or Chemistry. In fact, this is construed to be a divine science bestowed upon us from the Divine Beings. Our great sages of the ancient era had earned divine observations through continuous meditations and exercising spiritual practices, with which they were able to fathom planetary positions and their related impacts on the mankind. In those dignified eras of our ancient country, learning astrology was a mandated course outline for the students perusing education at Guru Ashrams. Because of that education system, the accessibility of astrology to us was made possible today.

Astrology is a part of Vedas. It helps us to understand the incidents that happened in past and would take place in future, with the help of doing study on planetary positions, birthdate or related information of Lagna. Subject-wise, astrology has been diversified into three distinct categories – theory related to astronomy, Samhita related to Medini astrology (from events related to the world, countries or people) and Hora related to gaining astrological knowledge about the events concerning human beings or conscious beings.

Based on spiritual power, our sages had attained divine knowledge in astrology. Later, they dispersed their astrological knowledge in the welfare of the mankind. Whatever we have in Hindu astrology is the gift of those sages, whose “coined” astro-theory, is as relevant today as it was, when they verbalised it. Some of the ancient legends and divine beings who wrote these priceless theories for coming generations are – Vashistha, Vyas, Varruchi, Varah Mihir, Kalidas, Parashar, Venkatesh, Kashyap, Neelkanth, Jayadeva, Ganapati, Satyacharya, Jeevasharma, Mahadeva, Bhaskaracharya, and Aryabhata.

Though this divine science of astrology remained confined into the darkness of our country’s slavery, however, as we observe, this science (astrology) is not only existing even today, but it has been consistently on progressive stride, enjoying a very prestigious status today. Though astrology is being trended as a mechanism for trickery by a certain section of educated people, there is hardly anyone disbelieving astrology altogether. Even those calling astrology false tend to visit an astrologer, requesting Astrologer for remedial solutions of their problems they encounter in their lives.

The science of astrology reveals signs of good or bad incidents to happen in future. The malefic incidents (as indicated by astrology) can be dissipated by timely application of karma, caution, and recommended remedial measures for peace. There is also this myth that the incidents revealed by horoscope are bound to happen at any cost, and no care or remedial measures can change the outcome at all. In my 20 years of astrological experiences, I have practically witnessed the miraculous solutions of this science on thousands and millions of people, including on myself. If anyone follows the recommended astrological measures for peace as exactly told, he/she will most definitely gain the most propitious results. Astrological knowledge, according to me, epitomizes this saying – “Truth alone triumphs.” Even the following famous quote fits in this context –

फलानि ग्रहचारेण सूचयन्ति मनीषिण   Falani Grah Charen Suchyanti Manishini

को वक्ता तारत्म्यस्य तमेकम वेधसं विना ।।  Ko vakta tartamyasya tamekam vedhasum vina ।।

Meaning, an astrologically educated person, in a way, can predict future events. Who else, besides God Himself, can predict the future exactly?

The reason I have talked at length above is to tell students (eager to learn astrology just for commercial purpose or for hobby) not to treat astrology as farce or game. Let me clarify that information shared on this website can’t make you a profoundly-educated astrologer, but these lessons will surely strengthen your astrological theories of Hindu, thereby enabling you to become skilled at decoding different complex astrological terms and texts, including becoming a competent astrologer, based on your individual practice and experience, in future.

Astrological knowledge is as vast as a wide ocean. Even though you devote entire life into astrological study, perfection in it will never come. However, if you learn the given study materials carefully, wisely, and with devotions, there is no doubt you will become expert at making horoscope, predictions, and astrological recommendations. How people will benefit out of astrological knowledge depends largely on their wits, intuitions, devotions, hard works, rationality and most important of all – the favour of God.

Dear students, on our next chapters, step by step information about planets, planetary relations, nakshatras, seasons, Maas, Paksha, Tithi, Lords of Tithis, Karan, Zodiac, and Karakatwas will be covered. Our best efforts would be to first provide you with fundamental knowledge of astrology, so that learning basic astrological concepts become easier for you, and in future, you’d turn up as a great astrologer and serve your society honestly.

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Must Read: Learn Astrology Lesson Two and Introduction of Astrology