
Lunar Eclipse (Chandra Grahan) On 31st January 2018

Published On : January 17, 2018  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Here Is Full Detail Concerning Lunar Eclipse Of 31st January 2018

Lunar Eclipse (Chandra Grahan)

A major celestial event during the year 2018 is Lunar Eclipse taking place in Cancer (Karka Rashi) on 31st January 2018. This happens in the month of Magha 15th Tithi. This is full Moon night. A lunar eclipse takes place when the Moon is directly behind the Earth into its shadow. This happens when Sun, Earth, and Moon are in line exactly or very close, where the Earth is in the middle. Viewing this Lunar Eclipse (Chandra Grahan) On 31st January 2018 can take place only on the night of a full Moon. This time full Moon is in Cancer.

Shadow of the Earth completely blocks sunlight during a Lunar Eclipse Chandra Grahan. Light is reflected through a shadow of the earth. In view of this, the light looks red and scattering of more of blue light. Viewing its reddish color, a total lunar eclipse is at times called blood Moon.

The timing of lunar eclipse as per Indian Standard Time is as follows.

Eclipse beginning: 17 hrs 18 minutes

Eclipse middle: 19hrs.  00 minutes

Eclipse over: 20 hrs 42 minutes

The lunar eclipse can be seen from anywhere on the night side of the Earth. A lunar eclipse lasts for few hours. The total solar eclipse lasts for few minutes at given place. This is due to the smaller size of the shadow of Moon. The lunar eclipse is safe to view without any protection for the eye, as they are dimmer than the full Moon.

Lunar eclipse taking place in Cancer can have an adverse effect on the Banking system, financial dealings, and capital cities. In India, a beginning of eclipse will not be seen. While the whole of lunar eclipse activity can be seen happening during the eclipse.

During eclipse first, take a bath, do worship of lord, reciting of mantra. After eclipse is over donate money to needy. After the Moon is clearly visible take a bath again. Lunar eclipse time is good supportive to start reciting the new mantra or one already being recited.Personal Ask A Question - Get it now By PavitraJyotish

Pavitra Jyotish explores the effect of lunar eclipse on different Moon signs.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

This eclipse takes place in the fourth house for your sign. Domestic matters are to need due attention. Expenses are likely to increase. You may need to draw from your savings to meet the expense. Postpone the decision on fresh investment here. Remain careful about health.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

The lunar eclipse happens with full Moon in Cancer takes place in the third house. This seems a happy proposition for you. This is to open a way for progressive forces to start working effectively for you on the work front. Career oriented and business person can see prospective time ahead.  Short-term travel for business person and professional is to bear encouraging results.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

The lunar eclipse is to occur in the second house for your sign. This is indicative of mix results for your sign for you on financial and family front. Handle matters related to finance much carefully here. This does not seem supportive time for fresh investment. Some unexpected monetary gain is to keep you in high spirits. You need to handle issue related to the family much tactfully. Remain very much care about health here. Get your Personalised Horoscope Reading By PavitraJyotish

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

The lunar eclipse takes place in your sign. This portends challenging time for you in personal life and financial front as well. The business person has to exert more to keep the show running satisfactorily. Career oriented has to work for extended hours to remain ahead in the run. In regard to health do not neglect even minor looking health issue.  Treat the same with due remedial measures to get rid of the issue.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Lunar eclipse in Cancer takes place in the 12th house for your sign. This can prove kind of stressful time for you. The road to progress is likely to have more obstructions. In turn, you may need to dig hard to get the desired level of success. An unexpected expense is to upset your financial planning for future. Do not take undue risk to push ahead of your financial prospects. You need to remain attentive to health here. Looking for a reliable Astrological Solution to keep your business up and running? Ask for business report 3 years now.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Good news for you is that this Lunar eclipse takes place in the eleventh house for your sign. Encouraging monetary gain is to give enough cause to cheer up. Some meaningful relationship is likely to develop here. This is to work well in enhancing your financial prospects in due course of time. On the work front, progressive forces are to start working effectively now. Get your Personalised Horoscope Reading By PavitraJyotish

Libra (Tula Rashi)

The lunar eclipse occurs for your sign in the tenth house. This seems to be a happy proposition for you. A business person is likely to get a breakthrough to achieve higher growth. Good opportunity to strike profitable deals is to come up for a business person. Career oriented is to get an opportunity to showcase inherent talent. Progressive forces are to work effectively. You will be able to add strength to your position on financial front and work front as well.

Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

The lunar eclipse takes place in the ninth house for your sign. This position portends a kind of mix results for you. Progressive forces are not to work much effectively for you. This means you have to put more efforts to get the desired level of success. On the financial front, some unexpected expense can trouble you. Refrain from taking undue risk to push ahead financial prospects.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Lunar eclipse for your sign takes place in the eighth house. This is not a happy proposition for you. You need to very much care about health. Some old issue may come up to trouble you. Attend to the same promptly by consulting your physician. You need to handle matter related to the family much tactfully and with due delicacy. This does not seem a good time now for fresh investment.Get your Remedial Solution for Career Issue By PavitraJyotish

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

For your sign, this Lunar eclipse takes place in the seventh house. This means you are likely to have mix results due to an effect of this eclipse. You need to attend to issue with one in the confirmed relationship by being more accommodative for preserving warmth and harmony in a relationship. No major monetary gain is foreseen for you. Handle matter related to finance much cautiously. Take due care of the earth.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Good thing is that this lunar eclipse takes place in the sixth house for you. In turn as an after effect of the eclipse, some long pending issue gets resolved to your satisfaction. Health issue if any troubling you is likely to be cured fully. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. Progressive forces are to work effectively now for you.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

This lunar eclipse happens in the fifth house for your sign. Viewing this you are to get kind of mix results here as an after effect of the eclipse. One already in love relationship having some issue with the loved one is able to resolve the issue with due tact. The student is to have a better grip on the subject he reads. Some major monetary gain is likely to accrue here for you. You are to enjoy good general health.

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