
Mercury Transit in Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi) on 15th February 2018

Published On : February 14, 2018  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Learn What Results Mercury Transit Can Bring In Aquarius Life

Mercury Transit in Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi) on 15th February 2018 | Budh Kumbh Rashi Mai

Crafty Mercury moves into a fix natured last of air sign Aquarius on 15th February 2018 at 03:24 am. Mercury is linked with intelligence, communication among other things. This movement of Mercury is to work well for development and progress. You may come across some intelligent idea to push ahead of your progress. You need to keep communication live with persons who matter for growth in your pursuit. Remain open-minded to a useful suggestion from near ones.

Scholar is to plan for experiment with new ideas to enhance growth prospects. Quarreling country heads are to soften down their tone and keen for negotiations.

Pavitra Jyotish here tries to explore the effect of Mercury moving through Aquarius for all Moon signs with Vedic Astrology.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Mercury is in charge of the third and the sixth house for your sign. Mercury now moves through the eleventh house for your sign. This indicates progressive time ahead for you. Progressive forces are to work effectively now for you. You are to adopt a kind of humanitarian approach to resolve difference with one in a meaningful relationship with you. Now seems good supportive time to experiment with a new strategy. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. Job holder needs to maintain a cordial relationship with coworkers. The minor health issue can trouble you here. Take due care promptly to stop the issue from taking an alarming position.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Mercury traverses the tenth house for your sign. Mercury holds an important portfolio of the second and the fifth house for your sign. This means movement of Mercury has an important role in matters related finance for your sign. Now, movement of Mercury through the tenth house seems supportive for an increase in the inflow of money for you. This is to give enough cause to cheer up. The business person is able to rope in more valuable customers here. In turn, this helps to push ahead sales. The job holder is to perform efficiently and remain motivated to keep performing effectively. Get the accurate astrological analysis and know the impact of your ascendant.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Mercury is the ruler of your sign. Besides this, it also rules the fourth house for your sign. Viewing this movement of Mercury in Aquarius through the ninth house carries much importance. This seems a happy proposition for you. Now seems good supportive time for progress and development in your pursuit. A business person can put into action long-planned strategy to move on the road to progress. The job holder is to feel happy with growth prospects to look encouraging. You are to remain in a strong position on the financial front. No major health issue is to trouble you here. However, try to keep the digestive system in order.

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Mercury holds a portfolio of the 12th and the third house for your sign. Mercury now passes through the eighth house for your sign. This does not seem to be a happy proposition for you. Things may not move as desired by you. Do not get deterred and keep working driven by a passion to achieve the desired level of success. You need to remain attentive about domestic matters. This does not seem gainful time for a business person. No major deal is to come up for negotiation here. You need to check effectively unwarranted expenses and remain concerned about saving money. Middle-aged and above need to be careful about an old health issue and take due precautionary measure to save from complications.

Your Money needs to grow if you invest them with proper Astrological Guidance based on your Kundali.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

The second and the eleventh house are ruled by Mercury. The second house is linked mainly with finance and family. The eleventh house is about gain and relationships in general. Mercury now traverses through the seventh house along with Sun. This indicates that you are to remain in discomfort in confirming the relationship, like a business partner and partner for life. Viewing this married one need to avoid verbal squabble with a partner for life. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. However, do not take a decision on matters related to finance driven by impulse. Some minor health issue may catch up with you.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Mercury rules your sign and also in charge of the tenth house for your Virgo sign. Now Mercury moves through the sixth house for your sign. This is indicative of challenging time for you on the work front and also in personal life. You need to keep your cool while resolving an issue related to personal life. At work front, you need to exert more and remain prepared to work for extended hours. The business person is to face stiff competition here. A business person needs to formulate a strategy to score over competitors.  You are to manage routine and other incidental expenses comfortably. You are to remain in a healthy financial position here.

Libra (Tula Rashi)

Mercury holds an important portfolio of the ninth and the 12th house for your sign. The ninth house is about luck fortune, long-distance travel, and blessings of higher soul, elders as well. The 12th house gives an indication of expenses, loss, and pleasure-giving activities. Viewing this movement of Mercury carries much importance. Mercury now moves through the fifth house for your sign. This indicates an increase in the inflow of money for you. In turn, you are to remain in a strong position on the financial front. You are to enjoy good general health this time around. In regard to relationship, you are to have kind of pleasant enjoyable time with near ones in the relationship.

 Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

Mercury now traverses the fourth house for your sign. The eighth and the eleventh house is the domain of Mercury for your sign. This means you need to remain much attentive about matters related to household here. A business person can expect repeat order from a high worth customer. The job holder is to feel comfortable with his/her position and task allotted. You need to remain much attentive to needs of family here. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. Take decision-related to finance after due deliberation. In regard to health, you need to remain much careful about viral infection. A marriage devoid of mutual trust and respect soon crumbles.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Mercury rules the seventh and the tenth house for your sign. Now Mercury moves through the third house for your sign. Short-term travel by business person, professional is to bear encouraging results, in terms of roping in more valuable customers. Job holder may be entrusted with a task-based outstation. You need to handle matters related to finance much cautiously. Some minor health issue can trouble you here. Take due remedial measures promptly to stop the issue from taking alarming proportion. Middle-aged and above needs to take due care of old health issue.

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Mercury traverses the second house for your sign. The Sixth and the ninth house are ruled by Mercury for your sign. This means you are likely to have kind of mix results on the financial front. You need to trade cautiously in matters related to finance and family as well. Handle issue linked with family much tactfully and with due delicacy. A business person needs to be much careful about receivables. Refrain from taking major decision related to major financial involvement for now. You need to be much careful about health here. Plan finances with the long-term in view.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Mercury now moves through your sign. The fifth and the eighth house are the domain of Mercury. You are to be keen to experiment with a new idea to boost your financial prospects. Mercury is to favor you on this count. Increase in the inflow of money gives enough cause to cheer up. In turn, you are to remain in a strong position on the financial front. The student is able to make encouraging progress. Progressive forces are to work effectively this time around. You need to remain strongly motivated to achieve the desired level of success. You are to remain in good general health. No major health issue is to trouble you here.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

The fourth and the seventh house are ruled by Mercury for your sign. Mercury now moves through the 12th house for your sign. This can lead to increase in expenses. Expenses related to the household are likely to increase. You need to execute due discrimination while spending money. Mark your priorities about money and spend money accordingly. You may be in discomfort to confirm the relationship. You need to handle this much tactfully and with due delicacy to maintain peace and harmony.  In regard to health remain careful about viral infection. Take due precautionary measure in this regard promptly.

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Must Read: Venus Transit In Pisces (Meen Rashi) On 2nd March 2018 and Mercury Transit In Pisces (Meen Rashi) On 3rd March 2018

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