
Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 23 May 2021

Published On : May 6, 2021  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Saturn Retrograde On 23 May 2021 In Capricorn

Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 23 May 2021, at 2:50 PM and will become progressive on October 11, 2021, at 7:48 AM

Saturn, the lord of Justice & discipline, is becoming retrograde in the movable sign Capricorn on May 23, 2021, at 2:50 PM and become direct or progressive on October 11, 2021, at 7:48 AM. Saturn being a crucial & big planet holds a prominent role while becoming retrogression. Capricorn is the natural sign of Saturn and represents the Karma or deeds of an individual. Based on the Karma or deeds, Saturn would bless or curse the native during the Saturn Retrograde motion. Retrograde motion is the motion that appears to be the opposite direction of the planet’s motion or movement, however, in actuality, there is no opposite direction or the planet does not move in the opposite direction, it happens due to the relative speeds of two entities in the universe. During retrograde motion, career or growth would be the main focus for the people. So be workaholic and patient during this period and overcome with any adverse situation

Let’s understand the impact of Saturn retrograde for different zodiac moon sign people differently:

Impact of Aries for Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 23 May 2021Aries

Saturn holds the lordships of the 9th house of luck & fortune and the 10th house of career & profession. Saturn will retrograde in the 10th house of career & profession. This indicates that it may create some challenges at your work front. Though you may have good growth and success as Saturn is strongly placed for you. During retrogression, relation with your bosses or father may not be very cordial. So you should not try to argue unnecessarily. Be a workaholic and develop the patience to attain your height in your career. In this period, your expenditures may get reduced and savings would get increased. Some problems in managing your personal & professional life may be there. Respect your mother & motherly figure in this period. Avoid making any mistake in your marital life so as to maintain harmony.

Impact of Turus for Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 23 May 2021Taurus

Saturn holds the lordships of your 9th house of luck & fortune and 10th house of career & profession. Saturn will become retrograde in your 9th house of luck & fortune. This period indicates that improvement in the relations with your bosses or father or mentor. Long-distance journeys may be there, especially journeys to the pilgrimages or the religious sites are on the cards. People searching for the different work or job will have the good opportunities in career. However, the health of your father looks the cause of concern. Take care of your health too, as the lower body parts may have some health issues and tiredness will take over. Your income sources may get affected in this period. Be determined and have cordial relations with your siblings and neighbours to avoid any stress in daily life. Avoid getting indulged in debts and this time will also help you to curb your debts scenario.

Impact of Gemini for Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 23 May 2021Gemini

Saturn holds the lordships of your 8th house of uncertainty & transformation and 9th house of luck & fortune. Saturn will become retrograde in your 8th house of uncertainty & transformation. This period may not be good for these zodiac sign people as you are already running through the Ashtam Shani dhaiyya in your life. Now the retrograde motion of Saturn looks problematic for you. Sudden ups and downs are likely to be there for you. Your marital life will get disturbed the most in this period. You may wish to switch your current job due to overburden or unnecessary pressure. Take care of your finances well as the loss of wealth or unnecessary expenditures might be on the cards for you. The problem with your children is likely to be there. Take care of the health of your kids as it might be affected during this period.

Impact of Cancer for Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 23 May 2021Cancer

Saturn holds the lordships of the 7th house of marriage & partnership and the 8th house of uncertainty & transformation. Saturn would get retrograde in your 7th house itself. This period may not be good for you and may create obstacles in your partnerships. Your marital life may also get impacted adversely. The health of the spouse could be the cause of concern. It also indicates the legal court case or any conflict too in partnership. Now it would impact your father’s health too. You should take care of your as well as your family’s health in this period. You may have a problem related to indigestion, back pain, lethargy, or stomach. The personal life may also get disturbed and your relation with your mother looks sour in this period. So be a mature and understanding person so as to tackle the situation wisely and accordingly.

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Impact of Leo for Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 23 May 2021Leo

Saturn holds the lordships of your 6th house of debt, disease, or enemies and 7th house of marriage & partnership. Saturn will become retrograde in your 6th house of debt, disease, or enemies. This period looks good for you to some extent. The determination and courage would be good and will provide you the good gains too with your increased competitive ability. Your opponents may get defeated in this period. Any legal court case may provide you the verdict in your favour. Your expenditures would get curbed in this period. The health of your spouse may get improved in this period. Relation with your In-Laws might be disturbing but with your strong determination and competitive spirit, you can be able to handle the situation easily. The best strategy would be to be patient and do not be hasty in your approach in order to maximize your profit & gains.

Impact of Virgo for Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 23 May 2021Virgo

Saturn holds the lordships of the 5th house of education & intellect and the 6th house of debt, disease, or enemies. Saturn will become retrograde in the 5th house of education & intellect. In this period, you may have a good income and revenues if you are associated with the business; however, it looks difficult time for your love life. Control your stubbornness and rigidness in your love life and develop patience. Saturn may disturb your marital life too in this period, so you need to take care of the health of your life partner and avoid unnecessary arguments to avoid any kind of separation or distance. Income will be good but you may experience some slow process of promotion and rewards in this period. Take care of your finances and do not invest your money without analyzing the whole process.

Impact of Libra for Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 23 May 2021Libra

Saturn holds the lordships of your 4th house of comforts & happiness and 5th house of education & intellect. Saturn will retrograde in your 4th house of comforts & happiness. During the retrogression, the relation with your mother would get improved and you would become more spiritual and inclined towards God. You may visit pilgrimages or have long-distance journeys too in this period. You would be able to repay your debts in this period. Your opponents will get defeated with your great diplomatic approach and managerial skills. Though your career would be good and you will have good gains through that but it may create some recurring hurdles for you. The people involved in the field of spiritual writing may have good outcomes in this period. Your personality would also get enhanced and due to that, you may come out as a good manager at work.

Impact of Scorpio for Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 23 May 2021Scorpio

Saturn holds the lordships of your 3rd house of efforts & communication and 4th house of comforts & happiness. It will get retrograde in your 3rd house of efforts & communication. This retrogression may not affect you much. However, you need to have cordial relations with your bosses and teachers in this period or else it might create some differences with them. It might create the scenario to invest your money somewhere. Gains through the property are likely to be there. Those interested to sell the property might see good gains. Though for the students the concentration looks good, for love birds, it may not be a good period and may create separation. Long-distance journeys are likely to be there especially to pilgrimages or religious sites. Apart from it, the gains through the foreign sources are also there, but be careful in getting indulged in any fight with your siblings in this period.

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Impact of Sagittarius for Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 23 May 2021Sagittarius

Saturn holds the lordships of 2nd house of wealth & family and 3rd house of efforts & education. Saturn will become retrograde through your 2nd house of wealth & family. It would be a good time to save your money. People looking for dates to get married will get the dates during this transit. Your managerial skills will get enhanced and wisdom would help you in every now & then situation. It might create some issues with your mother or motherly figure. You may have all the comforts, but there are chances that you may not get satisfied by that. Avoid creating any arguments with your In-Laws in this period and be humble to overcome any situation. The income and gains would be steady but your expectations and ambitions would be very high in this period. So drop some of your expectations and avoid being lethargic in this period.

Impact of Capricorn for Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 23 May 2021Capricorn

Saturn holds the lordship of your 1st house of self or personality and 2nd house of wealth & family. Saturn would retrograde in your 1st house of self or personality. This period indicates that you will have a good period. Since Saturn becomes retrograde in your ascendant, so it may make you put in extra efforts instead of one single effort which would help you to make yourself perfect in any certain task. Short distance travels might be there and sometimes it would be very exhausting too for you. Your marital life may be good but you need not repeatedly perform the task which is not actually liked by your spouse or else it might create some disturbance then. Your career looks good and you will have good gains through foreign sources as well.

Impact of Aquarius for Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 23 May 2021Aquarius

Jupiter holds the lordships of your 1st house of self or personality and 12th house of foreign land & expenditures. Saturn will become retrograde in your 12th house of foreign land & expenditures. This may create some issues for you. People involved in the legal court case may get the obstacles once again. The opponents will become superior in this period. However, those who are involved with foreign clients or sources will have good gains in this period. Take care of your finances well in this period as there might be lots of expenditures during retrogression. So you should try to save your money and do not argue with anyone within your family. Relations with your bosses, mentor or father may become harsh so avoid creating any kind of differences in this period.

Impact of Pisces for Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 23 May 2021Pisces 

Saturn holds the lordships of your 11th house of income & gains and 12th house of foreign land & expenditures. Saturn will become retrograde in your 11th house of income & gains. This may create issues with your earnings. You may have to put in extra efforts or hard work to receive the same amount which you would be getting before. Pisces, you would be very mature and knowledgeable in this period. So you should use your wisdom and managerial skills and do not get affected or influenced by anyone or anything easily. Be fixed on your belief system rather than having multiple options. Gains through foreign sources are likely to be there. People looking for progeny or kids may get the good news in this period.

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