
Sun Transit in Aries (Mesh Rashi) on 14th April 2017

Published On : April 13, 2017  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Transit Of Sun And Its Effects For Aries

Sun Transit in Aries (Mesh Rashi) on 14th April 2017

Sun entering the first sign of zodiac Aries is measured as a big event. Sun enters Aries from 14th April 2017 at 02:05 am. Sun leaves Aries and makes move into a fix natured earthly sign Taurus on 14th May 2017 at 22: 58 pm. Sun gets exalted in Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac is naturally linked with taking initiative. Viewing this, entry of Sun in Aries signals beginning of a new phase. This change also gives hint about events to unfold in ensuing time till Sun moves into another cardinal first of watery sign Cancer (Karka Rashi). Viewing this, change of sign by Sun carries great importance. Now is good supportive time for startups. According to provisions of Vedic Astrology, now this is a favorable time for single to tie the knot and settle in life. This change signals good supportive time to buy a residential or commercial property. You can commence construction to build a bungalow or a factory as per your need. A business person can launch a new product and also explore new territory for pushing sales. Pavitra Jyotish now explores the effect of Sun in Aries on your Moon sign.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Sun is to now traverse through your sign, crossing over the position of Natal Moon. You are to now become acutely conscious about self-growth and also progress on occupational front. Parent of school going child is to feel happy with the academic progress of the child. Good supportive time for the couple to conceive a child. The student is able to learn things quick enough and also remember well enough. Here seems a good time for lovebirds to ring wedding bell to confirm the relationship. A couple eager to bear a child is to get support for this change of sign by Sun here, by way of successful conception. If eager to start a venture now is a favorable time for you. You are to remain in a strong position on the financial front.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Exalted Sun is now moving through the 12th sign for your Moon sign. Sun holds a portfolio of the fourth house for your sign. Sun here can push you to spend money to show off your affluence. You are to have a kind of casual approach to saving money. You may spend money for a social cause, charity. However, do not go overboard and remain concerned about saving money for future needs. Ruler of your sign dear Venus is exalted and traverses in retrograde mode through the eleventh house. You can have an issue with one in a close meaningful relationship. You are to know well enough about integrity and commitment level of the concerned person in the relationship. With exalted Sun in the 12th house, you may prefer to ignore any misconduct of the concerned person.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Exalted Sun is to move in the eleventh house for your sign. The eleventh house is linked with gains, fulfillment of wish and also relationship in general. Sun is in charge of the third house for your sign. Exalted Sun in the eleventh house is measured as very much favorable for financial gain. However, with the ruler of your sign Mercury moving in retrograde mode accompanying Sun do not raise your aspirations too high for now. However, you get a hint about coming good times. If planets in your birth chart (Kundali) are also supportive, your long-term wish can get fulfilled. You need to remain careful in shaping the new relationship. Newlyweds or otherwise couple keen on successful conception for bearing a child is to get their wish fulfilled here.

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Sun rules the second house for your sign. The second house is mainly linked to finance and family. Now exalted Sun is moving through the tenth house for your sign. This signals fruitful time for business person and professional. A business person dealing with government and semi-government organization is to have the opportunity to have a long-lasting deal/contract here. However, with retrograde Mercury accompanying Sun, things may get delayed for now. You need to remain patient and keep applying yourself wholeheartedly. Startups may have a teething problem initially here. You are to remain in a strong position on the financial front. Job holder may be entrusted with some important task to work upon here.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Sun is the ruler of your sign. Exalted Sun traverses through the ninth house for your sign. The ninth house is about luck, fortune and also about the grace of elder and long-distance travel as well. If you are confused about the right direction to follow, Sun here is to show the right direction to you. A new opportunity is likely to come up. This may require a change of place for you. New challenges are also to come up with a new opportunity. Viewing this you need to tighten your belt and prepare for the battle. Single is to hesitate in making a long-term commitment to a relationship with opposite gender. Exalted Sun is to work well in adding strength to your position on the financial front. It is a favorable time for conception for couple eager to have a child.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Sun is the ruler of the 12th house for your sign. Exalted Sun moves through the eighth house in the company of retrograde Mercury. This change raises the possibility of major monetary gain. However, with the ruler of your sign Mercury in retrogression, things may get delayed for now. This does not seem favorable time for conception for couple keen on bearing a child. The couple may need to advise from a child specialist for successful conception.  On the work front, this change may not support progressive forces to work effectively. Job holder has to work for extended hours to meet scheduled deadline. Family-related expense stands to increase here. Here period does not seem supportive for lovebirds to tie the knot for confirming the relationship.

Libra (Tula Rashi)

Sun rules the eleventh house for your sign. Exalted Sun moves through the seventh house in the company of retrograde Mercury. This position does not sound well for harmony and sense of togetherness in a confirmed relationship. If running a business in partnership, you are to remain in discomfort in dealing with your partner. The difference between your working method and your action plan for development is to come up. Use your persuasion skills to convince a partner to agree with your action plan and working methods. Married one needs to do something special to keep a partner for life in the good responsive mood. Career oriented is to remain motivated to put up an improved performance. Nothing exciting about finance here with this change of sign by Sun.

Scorpio (Vrischik Rashi)

Sun holds important folio of the tenth house for your sign. The tenth house is about the occupation. Exalted Sun traverses through the sixth house for your sign. This is to prompt a business person to become more attentive to the quality of material, goods being delivered. Career oriented is to be keen on raising efficiency level. Opportunity to benefit monetarily is likely to come up. However, with crafty Mercury in retrogression, things may get delayed for now. With things not moving fast as desired, you may adopt kind of philosophical approach to remain patient. No major monetary gain is foreseen for now. Lovebirds need to wait for some time to confirm relationship by tying knots. You are to command respect in the social circle.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

The ninth house is ruled by Sun for your Sagittarius sign. The ninth house is mainly about luck, fortune among other matters. Exalted Sun gets posited in the fifth house for your sign. Sun is to give a push to your luck here. Some new opportunity can come up for you to work upon. This is to enhance your prospects notably. Exalted Sun is to work well in adding strength to your position on the financial front. However, do not raise your aspirations too high. With major planets in retrogression, things may take time to materialize favorably for you. Have patience on your side for now. This seems favorable time for conception for a couple trying to raise a family. Lovebirds are to have a pleasant enjoyable time together.

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Sun is in charge of the eighth house for your sign. Exalted Sun is to pass through the fourth house for your sign. Currently, malefic Rahu is camping in the eighth house. These positions of Sun and Rahu does not sound well for your health. Viewing this, remain very much care about health here. Do not neglect even minor looking health issue. Treat the same with due remedial measure promptly. There is also a possibility of getting injured. Some domestic matter may need your immediate attention here. Refrain from attempting something new here. It is better to maintain status quo. Do not make any long-term financial commitment here. Some unexpected expense here can upset your plan to save money.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Sun owns a portfolio of the seventh house from your sign. Exalted Sun traverses through the third house for your sign. Married one is to have high expectations from a partner for life. With cohesive forces being weak here, relationship with the partner for life can get strained. You need to raise your level of compatibility to continue with the relationship. You may not get along well with your siblings. You need to pay due attention to needs of a sibling for maintaining a cordial relationship. You are to meet some very influential person at a social function. Developing a relationship with this person can work well in enhancing your prospects in general. You are to command respect in the social circle.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

The sixth house is ruled by Sun for your sign. Exalted Sun now traverses the second house for your sign. This indicates that career-oriented can be entrusted with some important task to work upon. This is to prove a challenging task for you. On successful completion of the task, you are likely to be rewarded with an appreciation of your ability. In turn, this gives enough cause to cheer up. Your family-related expenses are to increase here. Now seems a good time for lovebirds to ring wedding bells for confirming the relationship. No major monetary gain is foreseen here. However, with support from planets in your birth chart, a sound foundation for sustained monetary gain is to be laid here.

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Read more Blogs: Sun Transit in Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi) on 14th May 2017 and Sun Transit in Gemini (Mithun Rashi) on 15th June 2017

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