
Sun Transit In Cancer On 17th July 2019

Published On : July 15, 2019  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Cancer Native And Its Life To Be Affected By Sun Transit On 2019

Sun Transit In Cancer On 17th July 2019 | Surya Kark Rashi Mai

King of the Zodiac mighty Sun enters a cardinal water sign Cancer on 17th July 2019. Rainy season is to be at its full in our part of the world.

Here warring heads of country are to try for reconciliation and remain concerned about increasing trade. In some part, heavy rains can be lead to major losses.

We here try to explore what is in store for all Moon signs during transit of mighty Sun in water sign Cancer.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Mighty Sun moves through the fourth house for your sign. The fifth house is ruled by Sun for your sign. This movement of Sun can lead to getting worked up, getting emotional when things do not move your way. You need to remain temperamentally correct here to make due progress in your pursuit. You need to avoid conflict and keep off from controversy. No major financial gain for you is foreseen here. Job holder is to remain at unease for one reason or other here. Middle aged and above being troubled by irregularity in blood pressure needs to be much careful here. Have a regular check up to become aware about any fluctuation. Others are to enjoy good general health, most of the times.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

The fourth house is ruled by Sun for your sign. Sun move through the third house for your sign. You are to be keen to push ahead your prospects. However, you need to deliberate well enough while taking major decision related to occupation or finance. No encouraging progress on occupational front is envisaged here. Also no major monetary gain is foreseen for you. However, regular inflow of money is to be maintained here. Job holder needs to remain focused at task on hand. Job holder has to exert more and remain prepared to work for extended hours to keep his/her position secure. No major health issue is to trouble you. Take due measure to keep digestive system in order.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Sun rules the third house for your sign. Sun moves through the second house linked with finance and family. This movement of Sun through the second house leads increase in family related expenses. You need to take major decision in matter related to finance and family after due deliberation. Refrain from taking decision in haste driven by impulse. If have any issue related to family do not assert your view aggressively. Keep your cool and handle the issue much tactfully and with due delicacy. You need to aim at maintaining peace and harmony in family. In        regard to health, you need to remain careful about left eye. If have any issue visit eye specialist soon. He is to detect the cause and do needful to have clear vision.

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Sun moves through your sign. Sun rules the second house for your sign. You are to become eager to push ahead your prospects on occupational and financial front. Business person is to experience stiff competition here. Business person has to form a strategy to score over competitors. Business person may need to lower margin to strike a mega deal with a high worth customer. Career oriented is to exert more and remain committed to improve efficiency and give more output. You are to remain in a healthy financial position here. You need to keep enough provision to meet any unexpected expense. You need to indulge in some light exercise suitable to you in morning regularly to remain fit for the day.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Mighty Sun rules your sign. Viewing this, movement of Sun carries more importance for you. Sun moves through the 12th house for your sign. Viewing this, you need to handle money matters much carefully. You need to execute due discrimination while spending money. Do not take any kind of risk to push ahead your prospects on financial front. Try to curtail your habitual personal expenses and remain concerned about saving money. You need to remain concerned about saving money. In regard to health you need to remain much careful about health. Do not neglect even minor looking health issue here. Treat the same with due remedial measures promptly to cure and get relief from the troubling health issue.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

The 12th house is ruled by Sun for your sign. Sun moves through the eleventh house for your sign. This movement of Sun is to keep you in kind of agitated state of mind for no specific reason. You may come across opportunity to benefit monetarily. You need to respond promptly to benefit monetarily. You need to remain temperamentally correct to benefit from coming opportunity. You need take major decision related finance and family after due deliberation. You are not to incur any kind of major expense here. Job holder is to keep performing effectively here. Business person has to do more follow ups to strike a deal with a high worth customer.

Libra (Tula Rashi)

Sun moves through the tenth house for your sign. Sun holds portfolio of the eleventh house for your sign. This movement of Sun leads you to remain active on occupational front. You need to remain cool and take important decision after due deliberation only. Decision taken in haste driven by impulse can lead to monetary loss. Business person has to do more follow-ups to have a big ticket deal with a high worth customer. Employed one is to remain stressed due to pressure from immediate boss to give more output. No major health issue to catch up with you here. You need to do some light exercise suitable to you in morning regularly or go to gym to do some work out. This helps you to remain fit enough for the day.

Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

Sun holds important portfolio of the tenth house, linked with occupation alias Karma. Sun now moves through the ninth house for your sign. If you are stuck up on occupational front, this movement can lead to a major breakthrough for you. However, no major financial gain for you is envisaged. Your regular income is to be maintained. You are able to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. You are to remain concerned about saving money for future needs. You are to enjoy good general health here most of the time. No major health issue is to trouble you here. Business person is able to run the show satisfactorily here. Progressive forces are to work effectively here. This will cause you some trouble.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Sun holds important portfolio of the ninth house for your sign. The ninth house is about luck in general. Sun now moves through the eighth house for your sign. You may feel kind of low due to not able to make satisfactory progress on occupational front. Business person has to contact more potential customers to push up sales. Employed one doing desk work is to be under pressure from higher up to improve performance to give more output. Family related expenses are likely to increase here. You are not to incur any kind of major expenses here. You need to remain much careful about health here. Middle aged and above is to experience pain in joints and muscles here.

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Sun rules the eighth house for your sign. Sun moves through the seventh house for your sign. You are to remain concern about personal development. Married one is to remain concern about health of life partner. Business person has to exert more to strike a major deal with a high worth customer. There is likelihood about finalization of the major deal getting delayed. Business person needs to have patience on his side. Some constraint is to hold job holder from performing effectively. Progressive forces are not to work much effectively here. You need to    remain much careful about health here. Middle aged and above need to be careful about nagging old health issue. It is good to have a regular check up to keep tab on variation.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

The seventh house is ruled by mighty Sun for your sign. Sun moves through the sixth house for your sign. This movement of Sun leads to increase in expenses. You need to keep effective check on unwarranted expenses and look for saving money for future needs. You are to remain in a comfortable position on financial front. Business person is to remain concern about stiff competition. Business person may need to lower margins to score over competitors and maintain market share. Job holder doing desk work needs to remain focused at task on hand and try to improve performance. No major health issue is to trouble you here. You are to enjoy good general health condition.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

The sixth house is ruled by mighty Sun for your sign. Sun moves through the fifth house for your sign. This movement of Sun leads business person to strike good profitable deal. Progressive forces are to work effectively here. However, you need to keep your cool even when situation is provoking. Conduct tactfully and with due grace. Career oriented is to keep performing effectively here. No major monetary gain is envisaged here for you. Your regular inflow of money is to be maintained. You are not to bear any kind of major expenses here. You are to remain in a healthy financial position here. No serious health issue is to catch up with you here.

Talk To Astrologer and know best answers of your life’s various problems like Career Problems, Property Problems, Foreign Settlement Problems, etc.

Must Read; Sun Transit In Leo On 17th August 2019 and Sun Transit Libra On 18th October 2019

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