
Sun Transit In Gemini On 14th June 2020

Published On : June 8, 2020  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Know What Happens When Sun Transits In Gemini Life

King of the Zodiac Sun Enters Gemini | Surya Mithun Rashi Mai

Sun Transit In Gemini On 14th June 2020

King of the Zodiac enters a dual nature air sign Gemini on 14th June 2020 at 23.53 hrs.  Air sign Gemini is ruled by Mercury.

Transit of mighty Sun in air sign Gemini leads to many changes. Rainy season begins during this transit of Sun in Gemini. Another point to be noted is that during this transit of Sun, Solar Eclipse takes place in Gemini. This transit of mighty Sun in Gemini is to be eventful. Rains can have devastating effect at some places. Viral infection may spread faster. Number of deaths due to viral infection can increase. Economy around the world remains in doldrums. May be, after solar eclipse things will pick up on economy front. Communication can get disrupted at some places. This transit of mighty Sun is to have varied effect.

We try to view effect of Sun Transit In Gemini On 14th June 2020 for all Moon signs.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

The fifth house is ruled by Sun for your sign. Sun now moves through the third house for your sign. Viewing this some childhood memories and relations comes to fore. You remain busy with social activities. With shadow planet Rahu also moving through the third house, some viral infection can catch up with you. Viewing this, you need to take due precautionary measures to save from viral infection. Take due care if traveling by public transport. You remain in a healthy financial position. Some marginal increase in inflow of money is expected. The gain here cheers you up. In personal life you have a pleasant and enjoyable time.  A short term travel by business and sales person bears encouraging results. Career oriented remains happy with his/her position and work assigned. Are you in quest for comprehensive Horoscope Reading service? Choose the one offered by us and get to know what future holds in its store for you. Get your Horoscope Predictions today.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Sun rules the fourth house for your sign. Sun now moves through the second house for your sign. In view of this, handle matter related to finance carefully. Family related expenses stand to increase. In turn you have to increase provision for family. No major financial gain is foreseen for you here. However, you manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. On financial front you remain in a comfortable position. You need to be careful about issue related to eye. If vision is not clear, visit eye specialist promptly. Eye specialist does needful to cure the issue and you get clear vision. Business has to exert more for running the show satisfyactorily. Career oriented also needs to exert more to give targeted output. You need to take due care about health. You need to take due precautionary measure to save from prevailing viral infection. Have questions on your mind to ask?

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

The third house is domain of Sun for your sign. Sun now moves through your sign. In view of this, you incline to make some intelligent move to push ahead your prospects. This move bears encouraging results for you. You may tend to spend money in social circle to show off your financial affluence. However, do not go overboard in spending money and look for ways to save money for rainy season. Career oriented remains stressed due to overload of work. Business person remains depressed for not able to run the show satisfactorily. You need to remain careful about health and take due precautionary measures to save from prevailing viral infection. You need to do some light exercises suitable to you in morning to remain healthy and fit.

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Sun rules the second house for your sign. Sun moves through the 12th house for your sign. This movement of Sun through the 12th house does not spell well for you on financial front. On financial front you are to be in tight position. In view of this, you need to refrain from taking unwarranted risk to boost your prospects financially. Maintain status quo and try to minimize personal expenses. You need to be much careful about health. You need to take due precautionary measures to save from prevailing viral infection. Doing some light exercises suitable to you in morning regularly works well to remain healthy and fit. Middle aged and above being troubled by old nagging health issue need to have regular check up to become aware about variation. Career oriented remain stresses for one reason or other. Business person finds it difficult to run the show well enough.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Mighty Sun rules your sign. In view of this, movement of Sun carries more importance for you. Sun now moves through the eleventh house, signifying gain, friends, and relationships in general and long held wish. In due course of time solar eclipse takes place in Gemini. May be after solar eclipse, you get good opportunity to benefit monetarily. Your long time held wish is also likely to be fulfilled. You remain in a sound position on financial front. No major expense is to worry you here. No major health issue concerns you hear. However, if have trouble related to respiratory system, rush to your physician to prescribe due remedial measure to cure. Career oriented keeps exerting more and aims at giving more output than targeted.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

The 12th house is ruled by Sun for your sign. Sun now moves through the tenth house for your sign. In view of this, job holder remains under pressure due to constant hammering from immediate boss to hurry up things and give more output. Business person has challenging time to run the show well enough. You are able to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably here. Some change for betterment comes suddenly for you. You remain in a healthy position on financial front. In regard to health you need to remain careful about viral infection. You need to take due precautionary measures to save from viral infection. In personal life some issue can make you feel uncomfortable. To shake out negative vibes, go for a walk either in morning or evening. This kind of activity works well to refresh psyche.

Libra (Tula Rashi)

The eleventh house is domain of Sun for your sign.  Sun now moves through the ninth house for your sign. Viewing this, lady luck may not back your efforts to move ahead on road to progress. After solar eclipse you are likely to have encouraging breakthrough on work front. Business person gets opportunity to strike a big ticket deal with high worth customer. Job holder keeps working with improved efficiency and gives more output. Higher growth prospects are to look encouraging to job holder. On financial front you remain in a comfortable position. You have not to bear any major expense here. In view of this, you are able to save money satisfactorily. In regard to health no major health issue except viral infection concerns you. In view of this you need to take due precautionary measure to save from viral infection.

Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

The tenth house is ruled by Sun for your sign. Sun now moves through the eighth house for your sign. Sun moves along with shadow planet Rahu through the eighth house. This movement of Sun and Rahu can lead to some major health issue catching up with you. Rush to your physician to make due tests and prescribe due remedial measure to cure from the troubling issue. Middle aged and above being troubled by nagging old health issue need to have regular check up to keep tab on variation. No major monetary gain is foreseen for you here. Expenses related to family increase. Some elder in family can have health issue. Plan your finance with long term in view and keep enough provision for unexpected expenses.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Sun holds important portfolio of the ninth house for your sign. Sun now moves through the seventh house for your sign. Viewing this job holder is to have constraints in giving targeted output. Business person has challenging time to deliver goods/material timely. Your regular inflow of money is maintained. No major expenses worry you here. You need to have effective check on personal expenses. You need to look for ways to save money, to remain in comfortable position on financial front. You need to remain much careful about health. If have issue related to respiratory system, take due remedial measure to start breathing normally.

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

The eighth house is ruled by mighty Sun for your sign. Sun now moves through the sixth house for you. Career oriented looks for optional employment opportunity, wherein growth prospects are much encouraging and pays more. Business person remains concerned about stiff competition. Business person needs to reduce margins to score over competition and maintain market share. You are not to experience any constraint on road to progress. You are able to increase inflow of money here. Gain here adds strength to your position on financial front. Your sustain efforts bears heartwarming results. You need to remain much careful about health. Middle aged and above being troubled by nagging old health issue like being diabetic or irregularity in blood pressure, must have regular check up to keep tab on variation. Explore the success in your business and run it like a viable trade of your life.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

The seventh house is ruled by Sun for your sign. Sun now moves through the fifth house for your sign. In view of this, you are likely to get emotionally disturbed. Do not get worked up over this and take this as a part of the game and indulge in some creative activity. This kind of activity refreshes psyche and in turn you are to be at ease. Business person has to exert more to keep the show running satisfactorily. Career oriented remains keen to get placed in higher position, coupled with heartwarming hike in remuneration. On financial front you are to remain in a healthy financial position. No any kind of expense worries you. You need to look for ways to save money for future needs. Some kind of viral infection can catch up with you. Viewing this, you need to take due precautionary measures to save from viral infection.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Mighty Sun rules the sixth house for your sign. Sun now moves through the fourth house for your sign. This movement of Sun through the fourth house leads to issue related to domestic matter. You remain stressed over this. You need to refrain from making fresh investment and also refrain from lending money to a relative. No major financial gain is foreseen for you here. At the same time you have not to bear any big kind of expenses. You may spend money to give fresh look to exterior of your abode. Your regular inflow of money is maintained. In regard to health issue related to digestive system concerns you. Taking due precautionary measures is a must to save from prevailing viral infection. In personal life, you feel unhappy over some happening. Keep your cool and handle the same much tactfully and with due delicacy.

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