
Sun Transit in Virgo (Kanya Rashi) on 17th September 2018

Published On : September 5, 2018  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Know The Sun Transiting In Virgo Native’s Life And Its Impacts

Sun in Virgo (Kanya Rashi) | Surya Kanya Rashi Mai

Mighty Sun enters a dual-natured earth sign Virgo on September 17th, 2018, 07:02. Virgo is ruled by crafty Mercury. Now wily Saturn afflicts Sun transiting in Virgo. Now is time to plan for the near future. Time to sow seeds. Now is time to consolidate your position in your pursuit. The country head is to assert his/her views more aggressively. A business person has to exert more to achieve the desired level of success. Career oriented is to aim at perfection here. Some kind of viral infection can affect some people.

On basis of Vedic Astrology, we here try to explore what is in store for all Moon signs during transit of Sun in an earth sign Virgo.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

The fifth house is the domain of Sun for your sign. Sun now moves through the sixth house for your sign. This can lead to an increase in personal expenses. No major financial gain is foreseen here for you. However, you are able to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. Career oriented is not to feel comfortable with his/her position. Career oriented may need to work for extended hours to meet the approaching deadline. A business person has to exert more to achieve the desired level of success. No major health issue is to trouble you here. You are to enjoy good general health this time around.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Mighty Sun rules the fourth house for your sign. Sun now moves through the fifth house for your sign. This movement of Sun seems a happy proposition for you. However, the student may not be able to make due progress. The job holder is likely to be in discomfort for one reason or other. No major deal is to come up for negotiation for the business person. However, minor deals during routine are to help in running the show satisfactorily. Some kind of viral infection can catch up with you. Take due precautionary measures to keep away from viral infection. You need to be much careful about health here.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Sun moves through the fourth house for your sign. In view of this, you need to remain much attentive about domestic matters. The business person is to remain busy negotiating multiple deals here. The job holder is to aim at improving efficiency to put up an improved performance. However, some constraints during routine are to hold the job holder from performing effectively. Book An Appointment With Astrologer By PavitraJyotish

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

The second house is ruled by Sun for your sign. Sun now moves through the third house for your sign. You may take some calculated risk to push ahead of your prospects in general. Short-term travel by business person and professional is to yield encouraging results for them. Job holder may be entrusted with a task-based outstation. Successful handling of this task is to enhance your chances of getting better placed. Middle-aged and above needs to take due care of nagging old health issue. Take due preventive measures to save from any viral infection. You are to remain in a healthy financial position.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Sun is the ruler of your sign. Sun now moves through the second house for your sign. Sun is now afflicted by wily Saturn moving through the fifth house. This may lead to unexpected expense related to the family. You need to plan your finances with long-term in view and keep enough provision for contingency. A business person is able to strike a good profitable deal. The gain here adds to your strength on the financial front. The job holder is able to perform effectively here. You need to be much careful about health here. On experiencing symptoms of coming trouble, rush to your physician for prescribing due remedial medication.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Sun rules the 12th house for your sign Sun now transits through your sign in the first house. This is to work well in saving from unwarranted expenses. The inflow of money stands to increase here. In turn, you are to remain in a strong position on the financial front. A business person can look for spending money for development purpose. Career oriented is to aim for perfection. Future growth prospects are to look encouraging. Middle-aged and above may be troubled by pain in joints. Apply due external measures to minimize pain here. Our Personal Horoscope Predictions based on your detailed Horoscope Reading details are mentioned about future events.Get Gemstone Recommendation For You By PavitraJyotish

Libra (Tula Rashi)

 Sun rules the eleventh house for your sign. Sun now traverses through the 12th house for your sign. This indicates an increase in personal expenses. You need to execute due to discrimination in spending money and remain concerned about saving money for future needs. You may be bothered by some unexpected expenses. You need to handle matter related to finance cautiously. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. Remain much careful about health. If have any issue with near one in a relationship, handle the same much tactfully and with due delicacy. Career oriented is to perform effectively here.

Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

Sun holds a portfolio of the tenth house for your sign. The tenth house is about occupation alias Karma. In view of this movement of Sun carries much importance for you. Sun now traverses through the eleventh house for your sign. The eleventh house is about Gain, the relationship in general and fulfillment of a wish. The business person is to get the opportunity to strike a big-ticket deal with a high worth customer. The job holder is to remain contended with his/her position. No major health issue is to bother you. You are to remain in pink of your health.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Sun rules the ninth house for your sign. The ninth house is linked with luck in general, long-distance travel and blessings of higher soul. Sun now moves through the tenth house for your sign. Hence the movement of Sun carries much importance for you. A business person dealing with government or semi-government institution is able to strike a long-lasting profitable deal here. Gain here adds more strength to your position on the financial front. Employed one is to feel happy on getting some long-held incentive. You are to enjoy good general health here. Get Your Love and Marriage Prospects By PavitraJyotish

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

The eighth house is ruled by mighty Sun for your sign. The eight house is about longevity, sudden gain or loss, gain from parents and the occult. Now Sun moves through the ninth house for your sign. Progressive forces are not to work much effectively. You need to exert more to achieve your objective. If interested in the occult, now seems a good time to follow your interest. Some kind of viral infection may catch up with you. Take due precautionary measures to save from viral infection. This movement of the Sun does not seem a happy proposition for you. Plan your finances with long-term in view and keep enough provision for contingency.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

The seventh house is ruled by Sun for your sign. Sun now traverses through the eighth house for your sign. Married one needs to spend some quality time with a partner for life. This allows to vent out hurt feelings and know about concerns. In turn, peace and harmony prevail. The business person is to get a good opportunity to strike a profitable deal. Progressive forces are to work effectively here now. Employed one is to feel happy with future growth prospects to look encouraging. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. The minor health issue can keep troubling you. No major threat to your physical well being is envisaged here.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Sun rules the sixth house for your sign. Sun now traverses through the seventh house. This indicates that job holder is not able to perform effectively for one reason or other. In turn job, the holder may need to work for extended hours due to the fast approaching deadline. However, take out time to refresh for good. Develop some kind of creative hobby to refresh your self. This way you are able to remain well focused on the task at hand and in turn, perform well enough. Due to some obstruction business person is not able to deliver goods, the material in time. You are able to manage your routine and incidental expenses comfortably.

Read more Blogs: Sun Transit in Libra (Tula Rashi) on 17th October 2018 and Sun Transit in Scorpio (Vrischik Rashi) on 16th November 2018

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