
Sun Transit Pisces On 15 March 2022

Published On : March 9, 2022  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Sun Transit In Pisces On March 15, 2022 | Surya Meen Rashi Mai

Sun will move through the watery & dual sign Pisces from March 15, 2022 at 12:31 AM

The lord of soul & authority Sun will enter the watery sign Pisces on March 15, 2022 at 12:31 AM and will remain in the same sign till April 14, 2022 at 8:56 AM. Pisces is the 12th zodiac sign in the zodiac belt and ruled by the planet Jupiter friendly to Sun. Thus while transiting through this zodiac sign, Sun feels good, however, Pisces is the watery sign and Sun is the hot planet, this way the heat of Sun will get reduced and which influences the overall impact of Sun on different zodiac sign people differently. During this period, interest towards spirituality will increase. Anger among people will also get reduced. People will more like finding the comfort zone, however, some sleeping pattern might get disturbed. Find below the general analysis of 12 zodiac sign people when Sun Transit Pisces On 15 March 2022:

Sun Transit Pisces On 15 March 2022 Effects On AriesAries (Mesh Rashi)

Sun holds the lordship of 5th house of education, intellect, love & romance and will transit through your 12th house of foreign land, expenditures and losses for you. This period is going to be good one for you especially in terms of spirituality. Students looking for higher education abroad will get the chance to visit there. Competitive spirit will get increased in this period. However, students studying presently may find some distraction from the academic studies. Issues related to getting visa approval may get resolved in this period. However, take care of the health of your kids in this period as it may deteriorate. Arians may become down to earth in this period due to this transit. Love birds may find some differences or distance relationship in between them and their partner.

Sun Transit Pisces On 15 March 2022 Effects On TaurusTaurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Sun holds the lordship of your 4th house of comforts, luxury, happiness & home and will transit into the 11th house of income & gains. This transit looks favourable for you Taurus native as it will help to increase in your income & profit. Your property or land will help to increase your revenue. Rented property will start bestowing you good results. However, some issues with your father or fatherly figure may be likely in this period. You may get worried for your respect & reputation in the society in this period. Chances to have promotion will be likely, however, try to accept the order from your superior or bosses in this period without much hassle or else it could lead to unnecessary delay in getting promoted.

Sun Transit Pisces On 15 March 2022 Effects On GeminiGemini (Mithun Rashi)

Sun holds the lordship of 3rd house of efforts, communication and siblings for Gemini natives and will enter the 10th house of career & profession for you. It looks to be the good transit for Gemini natives as their leadership skills will get enhanced and they may get handed over the administrative power at work, however, extra work is required to insert in order to find that post or position at work or in the society. Support of your colleagues will be there for you and they will also follow your instructions. Your authoritative speech will help you to get the right things done in your life. Good opportunity at your workfront may be likely for you which indicates the change for you.

Sun Transit Pisces On 15 March 2022 Effects On CancerCancer (Kark Rashi)

Sun holds the lordship of 2nd house of wealth & family and will transit through the 9th house of luck & fortune. It looks good transit for you as it is creating a strong Dhan yoga for Cancer natives. Exploring things by means of long distance places may lead to your savings or your saved money would get invested over journeys or visiting religious places. Your interest towards the religious activities or spirituality might get increased. Pay attention towards the health of your father or fatherly figure as it might deteriorate. Financially, it looks good period and your savings will increase too. Your knowledge and wisdom will get increased due to interest towards divinity and higher learning.

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Sun Transit Pisces On 15 March 2022 Effects On LeoLeo (Singh Rashi)

Sun holds the lordship of 1st house of self or personality and will transit through the 8th house of uncertainty & transformation. As 8th house is considered as the malefic or Dushthana house, so it may create unnecessary mood swings for you. Sudden anger & aggression might lead your path, which is not right at this moment. It represents the losses for you. Financially, it may not be the good time period so avoid making any major investments in this period as chances of taking wrong decision may be high which would lead to the stress for you. Also pay attention towards your as well as your father’s health in this period to lead through the positivity.

Sun Transit Pisces On 15 March 2022 Effects On VirgoVirgo (Kanya Rashi)

Sun holds the lordship of 12th house of foreign land, expenditures and losses for you and will transit through your 7th house of marriage & partnership. This indicates that you may receive any offer through foreign sources for forming business partnership. People from foreign sources will come to you and will provide you good gains too. However, this period looks problematic for your marital life as it may create some ego battle in between you and your partner. Thus, you are advised to pay attention over your health. Be down to earth so that things can be under controlled. Avoid unnecessary expenditures. On positive note, your leadership skills will get enhanced in this period. Further, this period may not be right making any business plan and hasty decisions.

Sun Transit Pisces On 15 March 2022 Effects On LibraLibra (Tula Rashi)

Sun holds the lordship of 11th house of income & gains and will transit through the 6th house of debt, disease or enemies. This period may create some issues in earning money due to daily work life challenges. However, if you have taken any debt, then it will be easily repaid in this period. Your income would get increased with service or consultancy related works. Medical fields will also provide you good income and gains, which will help others to get healed easily. Students will find good results in this period as it may increase the competitive spirit. Any issue in obtaining visa will get resolved. However, pay attention towards your father’s health and your shoulders. Also avoid getting indulged in any kind of debt scenario further.

Sun Transit Pisces On 15 March 2022 Effects On ScorpioScorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

Sun holds the lordship of 10th house of career & profession and will move to the 5th house of education & intellect. This period looks very good for you and will provide an auspicious result in many areas. Your kids will find the desired job in this period. Good time to find the job in your desired stream. People will respect you and will follow you. Your education will help you to lead your career and profession in this period. Chances of getting promotion and increment in your income will be likely in this period. However, there might be some issues in your love life which could lead to the differences for short period of time. You are advised not to let your ego and dominating behaviour to lead through your love life in this period to maintain the harmony and spark of love.

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Sun Transit Pisces On 15 March 2022 Effects On SagittariusSagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Sun holds the lordship of 9th house of luck & fortune and will move through the 4th house of comforts and luxury. A favourable transit it would be for Sagittarius natives! Sagittarians will find the good support of luck during this period. You may get indulged in any kind of religious act or may visit to any pilgrimage in this period. Your spiritual connection will increase. Investment in property or real estate business looks profitable for you in this period. Good bond with your parents can be developed in this period. Avoid dominating your family members at home and try to get indulged with them in religious acts. Good time to get promoted and increment in your salary for you. Your fame will rise too with your work performed.

Sun Transit Pisces On 15 March 2022 Effects On CapricornCapricorn (Makar Rashi)                

Sun holds the lordship of 8th house of transformation and longevity for Capricorn natives and will enter the 3rd house of efforts &communication. This period looks mixed for you guys. On positive note, it will increase your determination and courage to do any act, which you were lacking in order to accomplish your goal. Some sudden fluctuations can be seen in your relations with your near and dear ones, so try to stay balanced and avoid any kind of self-doubts. It may not be good period for you in terms of finances, however, those who are into the research based work, treasure etc., may find good time to increase savings in this period. Your interest for learning higher knowledge or intellect might get increased.

Sun Transit Pisces On 15 March 2022 Effects On AquariusAquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Sun holds the lordship of 7th house of marriage & partnership for Aquarian natives and will enter the 2nd house of wealth & family. This period indicates the strong bond with your business partner or any offer for partnership business may be there for you, which will lead to the good accumulation of wealth for you. However, your aggressive speech might create some issues for you so control over your aggressive speech in this period to lead through the optimum benefits and consistency. Good transit for your marital life too as your life partner will come up with good gains for you. You need to control over your expenditures and issues related to digestive system, so try to consume simple food in this period. Overall, this period looks for any kind of partnership.

Sun Transit Pisces On 15 March 2022 Effects On PiscesPisces (Meen Rashi)

Sun holds the lordship of 6th house of debt, disease or enemies and will move into the 1st house of self or partnership. Not a very favourable transit for Pisces natives! Take care of your health in this period as the issues related to bones or eyes may increase in this period. However, people involved in medical fields or service industry will see mixed results, thus period may not be very profitable to receive good income & gains due to increase in your challenges. Married couples may find issues in their marital life so you are advised to control your anger and dominating behaviour towards your partner or else unnecessary fight may be there which could lessen the charm or spark of love in your conjugal relationship.

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Also Read: Mercury Transit Pisces On 24 March 2022 and Venus Transit Aquarius On 31 March 2022

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