
Sun Transit Scorpio 16th November 2020

Published On : November 9, 2020  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Sun Enters Fix Nature Water Sign Scorpio On 16th November 2020

Sun Transit Scorpio 16th November 2020

Mighty Sun enters water sign Scorpio on 16th November 2020 at 07:10 am. This transit of Sun in Scorpio leads to stop of uncertainty at all level. Positive vibes are to prevail all around. Things are to start taking direction in one way or other. However, in certain quarters kind of stagnancy prevails. Making positive movement becomes difficult. Some persons start looking at future for further progress.

We try to explore effect of this transit of Sun in Scorpio on all Moon signs.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Sun rules the fifth house for your sign. Sun now moves through the eighth house for your sign. If you are spiritually inclined, now period seems good to learn about spiritual practices and make due progress. If planetary position also support you may have handsome financial gain through inheritance. Family related expenses are to increase. You are able to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. You don’t have to bear any major expenses here. You remain in a comfortable position on financial front. No major health issue troubles you here. Salaried class feels secure about their position. You can feel unhappy in relationship wherein you are emotionally attached. Don’t lose your cool and have patience on your side. Want to dealt with your personal issue with solid Astrological Solution? Choose our Astrological Guidance and break free yourself from Remedial Solution for personal issues.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Sun rules the fourth house for your sign. Sun now moves through the seventh house for your sign. Married one feels stressed due to some happenings in married life. Peace and harmony in married life gets polutated. Married one needs to keep his cool and avoid conflict and keep off from controversy. Spend some quality time with life partner. This gives time to vent out hurt feelings and can solve differences amicably. You are not able to increase inflow of money here. No major expense is envisaged for you here. You enjoy good general health condition most of the time. You need to do some light exercises suitable to you in morning regularly to remain fit enough for the day.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Sun rules the third house for your sign. Sun now moves through the sixth house for your sign. This indicates you are to be at odds in social circle. Try to mend fences and aim at preserving peace and harmony in relationship. Try to postpone short term travel for good. Excess of acidic reflux in digestive system can worry you. You need to include fiber rich grains and vegetable in your diet. This flushes out excess of acidic reflux form digestive system. No major health issue concerns you here. Indulge in some outdoor activities regularly for good here. No major financial gain is envisaged for you. At the same no major expense concerns you here. Salaried class feels stressed due to heavy work load. Business person remains worried due to stiff competition.

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Sun rules the second house for your sign. The second house is about finance and family mainly. Sun moves through the fifth house for your sign. In view of this you are able to increase inflow of money here. Gain here adds strength to your position on financial front. No major unexpected expense is envisaged for you here. No major health issue concerns you here. You enjoy good general health condition here. Salaried one remains focused at task on hand and in turn gives more output. Higher ups appreciate committed approach to work. Business person is able to strike good profitable deal here.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Sun rules your sign. In view of this transit of Sun carries more importance for you. Sun now moves through the fourth house for your sign. Sun moving through the fourth house does not sound a happy proposition. You may feel low and lack in confidence. Salaried is like to be hard presses due to heavy work load. He/She may have to work for extended hours to meet fast approaching dead line. Business has to exert more to run the show satisfactorily. Some minor health issue concerns you. Treat the same promptly with due remedial measure to save from complication. No major health issue troubles you here.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Sun rules the 12th house for your sign. Sun now moves through the third house for your sign. In view if this short term travel by business person bears encouraging results. Short term travel is to be pleasant and enjoyable. Job holder may be entrusted with task based outstation. Performing this task efficiently enhance prospects of getting promoted coupled with handsome hike in salary. You remain in a healthy financial position during this movement of Sun. You need to take precautionary measure to save from prevailing viral infection. It is good to do some exercise suitable to you in morning regularly to remain fit enough all the time. What kind of life do you want to enjoy during seven and a half years of Sade Sati? Positive and prosperous one? If yes, choose our Sade Sati report.

Libra (Tula Rashi)

Sun rules the eleventh house for your sign. Sun now moves through the second house for your sign. In view of this you feel uncomfortable in relation with family. You need to keep your cool and aim at preserving peace and harmony. You have to exert more to increase inflow of money here. Increase in family expenses is envisaged. While planning finance keep enough provision for major unexpected expenses. You are to enjoy good general health condition most of the times. However, take due precautionary measure to save from viral infection. Middle aged and above is being troubled by nagging old health issue, need to have regular check up to keep tab on variation.

Scorpio (Vrishik Rashi)

Sun rules the tenth house for your sign. The tenth house signifies occupation. Sun now moves through your sign. In view of this business person gets ample opportunities to strike good profitable deals. Business person is able to run the show encouragingly well enough. Job holder aims at improving efficiency to give more output. Job holder is rewarded for his/her committed approach. You remain in a comfortable position on financial front. However, you need to keep enough provision for contingency. You are to enjoy good general health condition here. You need to indulge in some outdoor activity to refresh psyche and remain physically fit enough.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Sun rules the ninth house for your sign. Now Sun moves through the 12th house for your sign. In view of this refrain from adopting unethical practices to earn money fast. You need to avoid taking undue risk to improve your position on financial front. You need to curtail personal expenses and also keep effective check on unwarranted expenses to remain in a healthy financial position. You may have to increase provision for family and domestic expenses. You need to take due care of health for good. Middle aged and above suffering from nagging old health issue need to have regular check up to become aware about variation.  For prompt answer to your worries have a Phone consultation with our World Famous Jyotish Pandit in India.

Capricorn (Makar Rash)

Sun rules the eighth house for your sign. Sun now moves through the eleventh house for your sign. This indicates that you are to miss some good opportunity to benefit monetarily. You need to respond promptly to coming opportunity to have handsome financial gain. Progress on occupational front can be delayed for one reason or other. Keep exerting more to achieve your objective. Pain in muscle troubles you here. You need to take due care in this regard. Some minor health issue can concern you here. Take due remedial measure promptly to save from infection. Also take due precautionary measures to save from prevailing viral infection. Got questions to ask? Ask 3 questions and find their best answer from our Online Astrologer India. Our solution comes in handy.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Sun rules the seventh house for your sign. Sun now moves through the tenth house for your sign. In view of this business person has gainful time. Job holder remains stressed due to constant hammering by immediate boss to hurry up things and give more output. You are able to increase inflow of money here. Gain here adds more strength on your position on health front. However some major unexpected expense concerns you. You are able to handle routine and incidental expenses comfortably. You need to remain careful about health here. Some major health issue can catch up with you. Indulge in some outdoor activity for your own good.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Sun rules the sixth house for your sign. Sun now moves through the ninth house for your sign. In view of this salaried one exerts more and fells secure about own position. Business person has to exert more to run the show satisfactorily. If you are stuck up on occupational front, you get heartwarming opportunity to work upon. You may have to increase provision for family. You remain in a healthy financial position. However, keep enough provision for major unexpected expense. Some health issue can catch up with you here. You need to take due care in this regard. Middle aged and above suffering from nagging old health issue need to have regular check up to become aware about variation and then take due measures to keep things under control.

Don’t forget to read: Sun Transit Sagittarius On 15th December 2020 and Sun Transit Capricorn On 14th January 2021

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