
Sun Transit Scorpio On 16 November 2021

Published On : November 6, 2021  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Sun Transit On November 16, 2021, In Scorpio | Surya Vrishchik Rashi Mai

Sun Transit Scorpio On 16 November 2021, at 01:18 PM to December 16, 2021, at 3:59 AM

The king planet of celestial cabinet Sun will transit through the fixed sign Scorpio on November 16, 2021, at 01:18 PM and will remain in the same sign till December 16, 2021, at 3:59 AM. Scorpio is naturally ruled by the planet Mars friendly to the Sun Planet. While transiting through this sign, Sun will provide mostly good results. People involved in the field of research, mysticism, defense, import & export, gemology, Astrology, occult, etc, will get good outcomes in this period. The status will rise in the society and your reputation will also get increase. Intuitions and insights will also get increased, which would help you to know the right or wrong things in life. On the contrary, control over your anger & aggression in this period and try to avoid dominating anyone to avail the optimum benefits.

Let’s understand the impact of Sun transit below as per the Moon sign differently:

Sun Transit Scorpio On 16 November 2021 For AriesAries (Mesh Rashi)

The king of celestial cabinet Sun governs your 5th house of intellect & education and it will transit through your 8th house of uncertainty & transformation. Not a good transit for these zodiac sign people. During this period, you may see sudden ups and downs in your life. The health should be taken care of. Issues related to indigestion, constipation, and stomach may arise. So try to consume healthy food and avoid oily & fast food in this period. Control over your hasty and aggressive speech in this period. The health of your father and spouse may also get decline and needs extra attention. So this period looks challenging for your as well as your family member’s health. On the contrary, it looks good for the people involved in the field of research and medicine.

Sun Transit Scorpio On 16 November 2021 For TaurusTaurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

The king of celestial cabinet Sun governs your 4th house of comforts & happiness and will transit through your 7th house of marriage & partnership. Taureans! You will enjoy moderate results during this transit. On a positive note, your reputation will rise in this period and you may meet the influential people who will help you later in life. The promotion or rewards would be on the cards for you. On the contrary, you need to control your unnecessary anger and aggression too in this period or else it may create defamation for you. Have faith in your skill and do not get confused with the performing tasks. This transit may create hurdles in marital life. Avoid making unnecessary arguments and dominating in this period.

Sun Transit Scorpio On 16 November 2021 For GeminiGemini (Mithun Rashi)

The king of celestial cabinet Sun rules over your 3rd house of efforts & communication and is about to transit through your 6th house of debt, disease, or enemies. This period indicates that you will have moderate results in this period. Your competitive spirit may get increased and you may have the potential to cope up well with the environment in this period. People involved in the field of healing, medical, and service sector will have good gains in this period. Sometimes, it may decrease your confidence, so have faith in your skills and take care of your health too. You should not trust everyone in this period. Try to be more communicative and use your good analyzing ability to cope up well with the environment.

Sun Transit Scorpio On 16 November 2021 For CancerCancer (Karka Rashi)

The king of celestial cabinet Sun governs your 2nd house of wealth & family in your horoscope and it will transit through your 5th house of education & intellect. This looks to be a good transit for these zodiac sign people. It is creating a strong Dhan Yoga for you so the inflow of money will be good in this period, however, due to Ketu, you may not be very much satisfied with your income. An increase in your income may be there, however, you should avoid dominating your colleagues. There are chances that problems with your kids may arise and the student may face some issues related to concentration and maintaining the focus in a single direction in this period. Do not dominate your love partner and become possessive in love matters or else separation might exist.

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Sun Transit Scorpio On 16 November 2021 For LeoLeo (Simha Rashi)

The supreme planet in the celestial cabinet Sun governs your 1st house of “Self” or “Personality” and this time it will transit through your 4th house of comforts & happiness. Though it is a good transit but due to its conjunction with Ketu, it may not provide you the satisfaction in your personal front too. This period shows that you will be more inclined towards your personal front. Your leadership and administrative skills would get enhanced in this period. Your courage will help you to make yourself determined in this period and get good outcomes. On the contrary, it also shows some conflict within your family or especially with your mother, as there are chances to have some ego clashes within your personal life. Avoid hastiness and aggressive approach to deal with the things in this period.

Sun Transit Scorpio On 16 November 2021 For VirgoVirgo (Kanya Rashi)

The king planet of celestial cabinet Sun governs your 12th house of foreign land & expenditures and this time it will transit through your 3rd house of efforts & communication. This period looks to be a moderate one. On a positive note, it will help you to make yourself determined and courageous to accomplish your predetermined goals. During this period, you may have some issues with your parents. There may not be cordial relations with your parents or near and dear ones too. Use your communicative ability and try to be more expressive in this period. Sometimes, you may perform actions without thinking much; however, later you realized that you should not make that reaction or action. During this period, the long-distance journeys are likely to be there which would come up with the happiness too for you.

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Sun Transit Scorpio On 16 November 2021 For LibraLibra (Tula Rashi)

The king of celestial cabinet Sun governs your 11th house of income & gains and will transit through your 2nd house of wealth & family. This is forming a very good Dhan Yoga and looks auspicious transit in terms of your wealth. Your finances would be good in this period. Your salary may get increased too; however, it shows some issues within the family with regards to wealth or finances. Though you might have a good income, however, there are chances that your father may face some financial loss or issues in this period. The health of your father may decline so you need to take care of your family member’s health. You should take care of your health too as you may face some issues related to indigestion and gastric issues. Rest the period is good for you and will provide you good gains.

Sun Transit Scorpio On 16 November 2021 For ScorpioScorpio (Vrischik Rashi)

The king of celestial cabinet Sun governs your 10th house of Career & profession and it will transit through your 1st house of self or personality. This is a very good transit for you and will make you an action-oriented or career-oriented individual. This is a good transit and will provide you the good gains too. You would be a charismatic performer who wants to do some charity works. Your status and reputation will rise in this period. Your intuition and insights will help you to know internally the right or wrong in this period. Use your strong leadership abilities and administrative power to help you in this period. This period will make you more strong and powerful too in this period. Meeting influential people might be on the cards for you. Your work will get recognition in this period. However, you need to control your anger & aggression in this period, and avoid hastiness and dominating behaviour.

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Sun Transit Scorpio On 16 November 2021 For SagittariusSagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

The king planet of celestial cabinet Sun governs your 9th house of Luck & Fortune and it will transit through your 12th house of foreign land & expenditures. This period looks mixed for you. People involved in the field of spirituality and divinity will get good gains through this period. Also, you may have good gains through foreign sources or associations. People involved in the field of import & export, medical and transport business will have the good outcomes in this period. Any foreign trip or long-distance journeys might be on the cards for you. Inclination towards the religious deeds will be there and due to that, you wish to visit the pilgrimages or any kind of religious sites. On the contrary, control over your expenditures and take care of your father’s health.

Sun Transit Scorpio On 16 November 2021 For CapricornCapricorn (Makar Rashi)

The king planet or the supreme planet among other planets Sun governs your 8th house of uncertainty & transformation and will transit through your 11th house of income & gains. This period looks challenging as the income would get fluctuated in this period, which might create some stress for you. On the contrary, it looks good transit for those who have the business related to research, Gemstone, import & export, coal, mining, or any kind of hidden knowledge. It also indicates the good income or gains through the sudden receiving of inheritance through ancestral property or father. However, it is not a good period in terms of getting financial gains by your own efforts, so you should avoid investing any money anywhere except the above-mentioned fields.

Sun Transit Scorpio On 16 November 2021 For AquariusAquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

The lord of Soul & confidence Sun governs your 7th house of Marriage & partnership and this time it will transit through your 10th house of career & profession. It is a good transit and it will make you more powerful and authoritative in this period. Your power will get enhanced at the work front. Promotion and increment in your income are likely to be there with you. Meeting the higher class people or authoritative people at work are likely to be there. People involved in the field of research, medical or healing may have good gains during this period. However, you are advised to control your dominating behaviour. It is good to be authoritative at work but do not be authoritarian. Do not get confused about your work. Stay focused and confident in your skills.

Sun Transit Scorpio On 16 November 2021 For PiscesPisces (Meen Rashi)

The king of celestial cabinet Sun governs your 6th house of debt, disease, and enemies, and will transit through the 9th house of fortune & luck. This looks to be a challenging period for you and may create hurdles for you. Your luck will fluctuate like a wheel; you should not depend upon your luck. Arguments with your father or fatherly figure are likely to be there for you and may provide you with unnecessary stress. Try to respect your father and elderly people in this period. People involved in the field of law or service industry will get good gains in this period. Intuitions and insights will help you to distinguish the right or wrong things in your life. The happiness through the maternal uncle may be there for you.

Read more Articles: Mercury Transit Scorpio On 21 November 2021 and Mars Transit Scorpio On 5 December 2021

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