
Venus (Shukra) Transit Leo (Simha Rashi) 15th September 2017

Published On : September 19, 2017  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Venus Transiting Leo And Consequences In Native’s Life

Venus (Shukra) Transit Leo (Simha Rashi) 15th September 2017

Planet linked with love, creativity dear Venus made move into a fix natured fire sign Leo on 15th September 2017 at 10: 34 am. It is to move through Leo until 9th October 2017 at 21:28. Venus then enters its sign of debilitation dual natured earth sign Virgo.  Leo is ruled by mighty Sun. Venus does feel much comfortable in Leo. The person with Venus in Leo is less expressive when in love. However, the commitment level is high. Display of emotions does not go well with Venus in Leo. Venus here is measured as good favorable for financial gains. It can act as a game changer when chips are down and you are looking for right direction to follow. One having Venus in Leo in the natal chart is considered prone to high level of sugar in blood around the mid-thirties.

Pavitra Jyotish explores the effect of Venus in Leo for all Moon signs.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Venus rules the second and the seventh house for your sign. Venus now moves through the fifth house for your sign. This is indicative of some major monetary gain in offing for you. You can win the game of chances. However, planets in your birth chart can indicate precisely. Besides Ascendant in your birth chart has major say. Single one keen to develop a serious long-term relationship with a longtime friend of opposite gender can look forward to proposing intentions to the concerned person of opposite gender. You are likely to be eager to enjoy pleasures of life to fullest. Married one is to feel happier by the prompt response by a partner for life. In regard to health pro –diabetic and diabetic need to minimize consumption of sugar here, to save from complications.

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Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Venus is the ruler of your sign and also holds the portfolio of the sixth house as well. Venus now traverses through the fourth house for your sign. This may inspire you to give a fresh look to your living room, change curtains add comforts. A direct aspect of Venus over the tenth house is to work well for the business person. Opportunity to strike a good profitable deal is to come up here. The job holder is to remain in discomfort at the workplace for one reason or other. You may incline to change assignment in search of better prospects. You are to remain in a comfortable position on the financial front. In turn, you are to manage routine incidental expenses comfortably. Diabetic needs to strictly avoid those mouth-watering sweets and chocolates so as not to allow sugar level in the blood to increase.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Venus is in charge of the fifth and the 12th house for your sign. Venus now moves through the third house for your sign. This seems a good time to enjoy a social life, connect with old friends and share memories. You may incline to spend money in the social circle to show off your affluence. However, do not take off your eye from your goal and your responsibilities. You are to have an enjoyable time with siblings and close relatives. You may plan a sort of outing to a nearby resort with sibling and friends. This movement of Venus does not seem much support for having a major financial gain. However, you are not to have any issue in managing routine incidental expenses here. You are to remain in a healthy financial position here.

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Venus is to now move through the second house for your sign. The fourth and the eleventh house are ruled by your sign. Now you are to be keen to deploy your savings for higher returns. However, do not get tempted by ‘get rich scheme’ here. Look for the security of your funds for good. Family-related expenses are likely to increase. You may need to increase provision for a family here. There is a good possibility of having spirit enlivening monetary gain here. The gain here adds strength to your position on the financial front. The business person is to feel happy on getting the opportunity to strike deal with a high worth customer. The job holder is to keep performing effectively.  You are to save money satisfactorily here.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Venus traverses through your sign and crosses over the radical position of Moon. Along with the third house, Venus rules the tenth house as well for your sign. Viewing this movement of Venus carries much importance for you. If you are experiencing some uncertainty on the occupational front, movement of Venus in Leo is good news for you. You are to get right direction to follow for enhancing your prospects on occupational front. Job holder may get some out of turn incentive here. This gives enough cause to cheer up. You are to remain in a healthy financial position here. No major expenses to incur here. Viewing this, you are to save money satisfactorily. Lovebirds are to have a pleasant enjoyable time here.

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Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Venus rules two important houses for your sign. The second house linked with finance and the ninth house related to luck fortune is the domain of Venus for your sign. Venus moves through the 12th house for your sign. You may be tempted to earn some money quickly. Refrain from taking undue risk to earn fast. Transit of Venus through the 12th house related to expenses and loss is indicative of the loss of money. You may incline to spend money buying luxuries and enjoying pleasures of life. However, do not go overboard and keep an eye on saving money. Diabetic needs to be much careful here. Have a regular checkup to keep a tab on any fluctuation in blood sugar level.

Libra (Tula Rashi)

Venus is the ruler of your sign. Venus now traverses through the eleventh house, linked with gains, fulfillment of wish and relationships in general. Venus also rules the eighth house for your sign. Now, this movement of Venus is to present kind of mix results for you. Person of all strata is to hang around you.  Keep off from person roaming here and there purposelessly. Keeping the company of this kind of person can harm your status in a social circle. You may get some good opportunity to benefit monetarily. Not responding to available opportunity timely seems to be the cause. You need to execute due discrimination in a new relationship. The person running a parental business is to have gainful time here. You are to have a pleasant enjoyable time with near ones in the relationship. The health of a marriage life depends on mutual respect between the spouse.

Scorpio (Vrischik Rashi)

Venus moves through the tenth house for your sign. This is indicative of a progressive time for a business person. You are able to rope in more valued customer here. In turn, sales are to pick up encouragingly. The business person in the business of export/import is likely to have gainful time, during transit of Venus in Leo. There is a possibility of striking a big ticket deal here. The job holder is to feel comfortable with his/her position. Married one is to feel happy about the cooperative approach of partner for life. Both are to have a pleasant enjoyable time together. You are to remain in a strong position on the financial front. You are to incline to add comfort and buy some luxurious items, you had on your wish list for long. Progressive forces are to work effectively now. Saturn Shani transit could impact your life negatively.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Venus does not rule any auspicious house for your Sagittarius sign. The sixth and the eleventh house are in charge of Venus for your sign. Venus makes movement through the ninth house, linked with luck fortune for your sign. The business person is to benefit from the action of a vital employee. Luck, in general, is to favor you here. Make good use of this favorable time to push ahead of your prospects. The job holder is likely to be entrusted with some major lengthy task to work upon. Job holder needs to brush up skills and gather all experience to successfully handle the task. You are to remain in a healthy financial position here. Expensive luxurious items are to attract you here. However, do not overboard in spending money and remain concerned about saving money.

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Venus is measured as most favorable planets for your sign. Viewing this movement of Venus carries much importance for your sign. Venus holds a portfolio of the fifth and the tenth house for your sign. Venus now traverses through the eighth house linked with longevity, inheritance, sudden loss and occult. If you are interested in the occult, now seems good supportive time to follow your interest. The business person is to be overjoyed on getting repeat orders from high worth customers. In personal life, things may not work well for you. Someone with whom you are attached emotionally is to conduct in a way which hurts your sentiment. Take it easy and see that emotions do not overcome your psyche and affect your ability to think clearly. You are to remain in a healthy financial position.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

The fourth and the ninth house are ruled by Venus for your sign. In this way, Venus becomes important and most favorable planet for your sign. Venus in Leo now moves through the seventh house for your sign.  This movement of Venus does not spell well for the confirmed relationship. If running a business, try to keep your partner in the loop about your action plan to push ahead growth prospects. Married one needs to take care of sensibilities of partner for life. Some domestic matter is to need your attention. You need to remain attentive to household-related needs. For the business person, no major deal is to come up for negotiation here. Job holder can feel kind of uncomfortable in the workplace for one reason or other. You need to exert more to achieve the desired level of success.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Venus moves through the sixth house for your sign. Venus holds a portfolio of the eighth and the third house for your sign. You may feel like taking some risk to push ahead of your prospects. This movement of Venus does seem supportive on this count. This seems a good time to consolidate your position. For pushing ahead growth prospects you may need to wait for some time. However, the Ascendant is also played important role in pushing ahead your prospects. Job holder needs to put improved performance for keeping growth prospects alive. A business person has to remain satisfied with deals during the routine. Personal habitual expenses are likely to increase here. Do not go overboard with spending money and keep an eye on saving money for future needs.

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Also Read: Mercury Transit in Virgo (Kanya Rashi) on 27th September 2017 and Mars Transit In Virgo (Kanya Rashi) on 13th October 2017

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