
Venus Transit in Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) on 20th December 2017

Published On : December 19, 2017  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Venus Traversing In Sagittarius And Related Impacts For The Native

Venus Transit in Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) on 20th December 2017

Planet related to love, relationship, art, creativity Venus enters into a dual-natured last of fire sign Sagittarius on 20th December 2017 at 18:33. Venus is in the state of combustion at the time of entry. This is owing to proximity with mighty Sun. It remains to combust till 1st of February 2018.

Venus in the combust state through a fire sign Sagittarius does not seem to be a happy proposition. Harmony in a relationship is likely to be a polluted relationship. Lovebirds can get strained. The environmental issue can be troubled many parts of the world. A storm of a wind can make people worried. Overall this movement of combust Venus in Sagittarius does not sound to be a happy proposition.

PavitraJyotish tries to look what is in store for all Moon signs.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Venus rules the second and the seventh house for your sign. Currently, Venus passes through the ninth house for your sign. Venus is combusted here. In view of this, it may not be much effective. This can obstruct long-term travel. Try to avoid long-distance travel. You may run short of funds here. You need to effectively check unwanted expenses and remain concern about saving money. The business person is to find it difficult to strike a major deal. Job holder may have to work for extended hours. Diabetics need to be much careful about blood sugar level. Try to avoid eatable with high sugar contains. You also need to have a regular check-up to remain aware of any variations.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Venus moves in combusted mode through the eighth house for your sign. Venus is the ruler of your sign and also that of the sixth house. This transit does not spell well for you on the health front. Viewing this remains very much care about health issues. Do not neglect even minor looking issues. Treat the same promptly with the due remedial measure. On the financial front, you may not remain in a strong position. Viewing this try to curtail unwarranted expenses for good. The business person is to remain in wanting about getting opportunities to strike big tickets deal. Employed one may have to work hard and aim at putting up improves performance.

 Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Venus traverses through the seventh house for your Gemini sign. Venus is in charge of the twelfth and fifth house for your sign. This movement indicates lack of harmony in confirming the relationship. Married one needs to take care of senilities of partner for life for preserving warmth and harmony. If doing business in partnership keep your partner in the loop about your plan to push ahead growth prospects. Things may not run well for you on the financial front. Remain careful about health here. A Job holder is to find it challenging to perform effectively. Writers may experience constraint in performing effectively regularly for one reason or another.

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Venus moves in a combusted mode in Sagittarius through the sixth house for your sign. The fourth and the eleventh house is ruled by Venus for your sign. This indicates undue expenses troubling you. Viewing this keep effective check on expenses which are not needed for now. Remain concern about saving money for future needs. Career oriented has to exert more to remain in a run. The business person is likely to face stiff competition here. A new strategy is needed to be formulated to score over competitors. Diabetic needs to strictly follow diet instruction of physicians to save from further trouble.  Sade Sati plays a major role in the shaping of events to follow.

Leo (Sinha Rashi)

Sun is the ruler of your sign. Currently, Venus moves in combusted mode through the fifth house for your sign. This does not spell well for you on the health front. Viewing this remain utmost careful about health. There is a possibility of getting injured or being troubled acutely by old health issues. Take due remedial measures to stop the issues from getting alarming proportion. For professional and business person there is likely to be squeezed on cash flow. You may need to borrow money here. However, don’t go overboard in borrowing money. Remain within your limits to avoid being in discomfort.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Venus traverses in the state of combustion along with mighty Sun in Sagittarius through forth house. You may need to remain much attentive about domestic matters. Spend some time regularly to remain aware of domestic needs. However, with combust Venus moving through the fourth house, you are likely to remain stressed about domestic matters. You may be keen to increase the flow of money for you. Do not indulge in non-ethical practices to push ahead financial prospects here for now. Minor health issues can keep troubling you. Visit your physician to prescribe due remedial to get rid of the problem.

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Libra (Tula Rashi)

Venus is the ruler of your sign and also that of the eighth house for your sign. Currently, Venus moves in combust mode in Sagittarius through the third house for your sign. Some social controversies can stress you here. Avoid being overly reactive over this. Try to postpone short-term travel here. You may incline to make a clever move to enhance your status in the social circle. The student is to have a challenging time to remain well focused while studying due to strong distractions. Married one is to have a pleasant and enjoyable time with a partner of life.

Scorpio (Vrischik Rashi)

Your sign is ruled by Mars. Venus is in charge of the seventh and the twelfth house for your sign. Venus now moves through Sagittarius in the combust state in the second house linked with finance and family. With Venus being combust there may be a squeeze on the inflow of money for you. Viewing this keep effective check on unwarranted expenses. There is the possibility of expenses related to family increase. You need to remain attentive to family needs. A business person may not get good opportunities to strike a major deal. Job holder needs to stay focus on the task at hand and try to put improved performance. For married one health partner for life may cause concern.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Benevolent Jupiter is the ruler of your sign. Venus moves in combust state through your sign. This does not seem to be a happy proposition. Venus holds the portfolio of the eleventh and the sixth house for your sign. You may experience some discomfort movements in a meaningful relationship. Employed one is to remain stressed due to uncertain future prospects. There does not seem a way out of this uncertain situation. A business person has to work hard to clinch a big-ticket deal. You need to be very much careful about health issues. Middle-aged needs to take care of old nagging health issue.

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Wily Saturn rules your sign. Venus traverses in a combust mode through the twelfth house for your sign. Venus is considered as a most favorable planet for your sign. In view of this movement of combust Venus through the twelfth house does not spell well for growth and development. Refrain from taking decision-related to major financial involvement for now.  Try to curtail expenses and stay concern about saving money. Minor health issues can trouble you here. Take due precautionary measures to stop the issue getting escalated to save from complication. Family-related matters are to need your attention.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Venus is viewed as a most favorable planet for your sign. Now Venus moves in Sagittarius through the eleventh house for your sign. This does not spell well in relationship with near ones. Lovebirds are to quarrel over patty issues resulting in pollution in love relation. Both need to cool down and raise the level of compatibility to preserve warmth and is peace in the relationship. There is a likelihood of some unexpected health issues catching up with you. Visit your physician to prescribe due remedial medication to get rid of the issues. Parent of school going child are to be worried by lack of satisfactory progress of the child. You need to handle money matters and relationship very much care.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Venus doesn’t have an important role in your sign. It holds the portfolio of the third and the eighth house for your sign. Venus now passes through the tenth house for your sign in the combust state. This position does not spell well for the business person. Refrain from taking decision-related to major growth for now. Avoid taking short-term travel to have more valued customers. The job holder is to find it challenging to perform effectively for one reason or other.  You need to remain careful about health here. Handle matter related to finance and family carefully and with due tact. One in love relationship is to remain in discomfort by the unbecoming conduct of loved one. Do not react critically over this.

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Also Read: Mercury Transit in Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) on 6th January 2018 and Sun Transit in Capricorn (Makar Rashi) On 14th January 2018

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