
Venus Transit Libra On 06 September 2021

Published On : September 1, 2021  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Venus Transit On 06 September 2021 In Libra | Shukra Tula Rashi Mai

Venus Transit Libra On 06 September 2021, at 01:03 AM to October 02, 2021, at 10:00 AM 

Venus transit will happen in the movable sign Libra on September 06, 2021, at 01:03 AM and will remain in the same sign till October 02, 2021, at 10:00 AM. Libra itself is being ruled by the planet Venus so it is a good transit for the people and will come up with a good balance in the life of every individual. Finances will rise by means of the partnership. Good time to spend quality time with your life partner. People will feel loved and will be romantic in this period. Creativity and artistic caliber will come to the core and will help you to balance or organized things in your life. However, control over your indecisiveness and be a great analyzer during this transit.

Let’s know how this transit will impact different zodiac Moon sign people:

Venus Transit Libra 06 September 2021 For AriesAries (Mesh Rashi)

Venus rules over your 2nd house of wealth & family and 7th house of marriage & partnership and will transit through your 7th house of marriage & partnership. This transit looks good for you. You will be able to enjoy a good time with your family and friend in this period. Your charisma will rise in society and you will come out as a magnetic personality too. People will like your aura and will be a part of your group. You will do well everywhere you go. Your attractive and magnetic personality can influence anybody in this period. Your passion will help you drive your path of success and growth in this period. Financially, you will have a good inflow of money and any legal partnership will help you to accumulate wealth in your life.

Venus Transit Libra 06 September 2021 For TaurusTaurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Venus will move into your 6th house of debt, disease, or enemies and it rules over your 1st house of self or personality and 6th house of debt, disease, or enemies. This clearly indicates that you may face challenges during this transit especially related to your health. So take care of your health in this period or else it might hamper your daily productivity. Though you might feel competitive, there are chances that you may not be able to compete with others well. You should avoid getting indulged in debt or conflict in this period. People at your workplace will love you for your creative work. In this period, be adaptable and try to learn frequently things from one point to another. Also, avoid wavering thoughts and indecisiveness too for better results.

Venus Transit Libra 06 September 2021 For GeminiGemini (Mithun Rashi)

Venus governs your 5th house of education & intellect and 12th house of foreign land & expenditures and will be transiting through your 5th house of education & intellect. It looks like a good transit for these zodiac sign people. Creativity and artistic caliber will come to the core, which will be appreciated too in society. People involved in cinema, music or art will get the good outcomes of this transit and you will have the good gains through it. Good time to receive the good gains through foreign sources too. It is a good time to explore your creative side. It looks very good period for your love & romance too. You will enjoy plenty of time with your loved partner. However, control over your unnecessary expenditures to maintain good savings.

Venus Transit Libra 06 September 2021 For CancerCancer (Karka Rashi)

Venus holds the lordships of 4th house of comforts & happiness and 11th house of income & gains and will transit through the 4th house of comforts & happiness. By the name itself of the house indicates that it is going to be a good transit for you and you will enjoy the luxury and comforts in this period. Period looks good to buy any luxury item or vehicle too for you. You may have the investment in the property or assets too. Your earned money will get invested in decorating your home or in any interior kind of work at home. It is a very good placement of Venus, which will help you to create cordial relations with your mother and family members. Your career graph will go up and good promotion might be there for you.

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Venus Transit Libra 06 September 2021 For LeoLeo (Simha Rashi)

Venus holds the lordship of the 3rd house of efforts & communication and 10th house of career & profession and is transiting through the 3rd house of efforts & communication. This looks like an average period for you. Your speech/writing skills will be influential. Cordial relations with your siblings & parents can be maintained. You may find some conflict at work, but things will get sorted soon. You will get the name & fame at work. People will also support you for your work and kind-heartedness. Being a born leader, you need to use your leadership and administrative skills to accomplish your goals during this period. However, control over your anger and aggression to avoid any inconsistency. People involved in media, writing, publication, film industry, or creativity will get good outcomes in this period.

Venus Transit Libra 06 September 2021 For VirgoVirgo (Kanya Rashi)

Venus holds the lordship of 2nd house of wealth & family and 9th house of fortune & luck and will transit through your 2nd house of wealth & family. It is one of the auspicious transits for these zodiac sign natives. The luck will be in your favour and may give you some long-distance travels. You will have long-distance journeys in this period, these journeys look favourable for you and will help you to add to your finances. Your speech will be influential and will help you to be soft-spoken too. Due to your fortune and luck, you will attain the miles stone. Extremely good transit it is for your career and finances. New sources of revenues can be generated in this period for you, which will provide you long-term benefits. Good time to implement your ideas into the real world.

Venus Transit Libra 06 September 2021 For LibraLibra (Tula Rashi)

Venus holds the lordship of 1st house of self or personality and 8th house of uncertainty & transformation and will transit through your 1st house of self or personality. It is a good transit for these zodiac sign people. Your intuition and insights will help you and will provide you good gains through the research-based works. Those involved in the field of science, medical or research will get the solution or anything new can be created in this period. You will love to explore the hidden knowledge and creativity of the world. Being the placement in the 1st house of self, your personality will be very attractive and influential. You will like to look good and attractive too in this period. Financially, your expenditures will be high and you may not be able to accumulate or save money.

Venus Transit Libra 06 September 2021 For ScorpioScorpio (Vrischik Rashi)

Venus rules over your 7th house of marriage & partnership and 12th house of foreign land & expenditures and will transit through your 12th house of foreign land & expenditures. It indicates that you may have good gains through foreign sources. Unmarried may find their partner in a foreign place or far away place from their birthplace. This period indicates that any business partnership with the foreign land can be there or working with any MNC can also be there for you. However, on the contrary, it indicates that you may have unnecessary expenditures too in this period and may spend your money on your life partner. Though this period looks good for you in terms of bed pleasures but may create some problems too in your marital life.

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Venus Transit Libra 06 September 2021 For SagittariusSagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Venus holds the lordship of the 6th house of debt, disease, or enemies and 11th house of income & gains and will be transiting through your 11th house of income and gains. Since Venus is transiting in its own sign, so this transit will be favourable for you in terms of your income & gains. People involved in the service industry, medical, or nature will get good outcomes in this period. However, you should refrain from borrowing or lending money in this period. Though hit indicates the gains through the debt as well, it should be avoided. Gains through opponents are also likely to be there for you. Your competitive spirit will be good and will help you to get the gains through competition too. The good period it is in order to enjoy your love life. However, avoid being self-righteous or indecisive, or possessive in love life.

Venus Transit Libra 06 September 2021 For CapricornCapricorn (Makar Rashi)

Venus holds the lordship of the 5th house of education, intellect & love and 10th house of career & profession, and is transiting through the 10th house of career & profession. It is going to be one of the best transit of Venus. This Venus will come up with auspicious benefits for you at work. People will recognize you for your creative works. People involved in law, creativity, designing, food or publishing or film industry, music will get tremendous gains in this period. New sources of revenues can be generated too. Multiple sources of income would be there for you. Financially, it will be a good period and may provide you gains through foreign sources too. Your education will play a major role at your work front, what you have learned in college or institute, will get recognition now.

Venus Transit Libra 06 September 2021 For AquariusAquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Venus transit will occur in the 9th house of fortune & luck and Venus itself rules over the 9th house of luck & fortune and the 4th house of comforts & luxury for you. It is going to be a very auspicious transit for these zodiac sign people. Your fortune will be in your favour, so any drawn endeavours will get fructified during this period. Any long-distance journeys might take place in this period with your family. Good time to travel to pilgrimages and religious sites. On the contrary, it is a good time period to explore your knowledge in the field of creativity and art. People involved in the field of décor, creativity, designing, graphics will receive good gains in this period.

Venus Transit Libra 06 September 2021 For PiscesPisces (Meen Rashi)

Venus transit will occur in the 8th house of uncertainty & transformation for you and Venus itself rules over the 8th house and 3rd house of efforts and communication. This transit looks good for you and may provide you rise through adversity. Since it rules the bad houses, so you first receive the bad results, and once the bad results make you strong, and that becomes the moment, you start realizing the things or your mistakes, which helps you in getting success and growth. The good time period to spend quality time with your life partner. Love & romance will be in the air for these zodiac sign natives. You will spend your money on buying good and luxury items for your life partner. Be more decisive and use your intuitive ability to maximize your profit.

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Also Read: Mars Transit Virgo On 6 September 2021 and Sun Transit Virgo On 17 September 2021

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