Today Panchang and Complete Daily Muhurta: Daily Panchang or Today Panchang is an astrological update in relation to Vara, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karan. We have on our website daily panchang in Hindi apart from its English version just to cater to your needs in both the languages for your preference.
We offer Daily Panchang to ensure users of all daily muhurta and an astrological solution can get a reliable and fast resolution of their day to day astrology or Daily Horoscope needs with regard to today’s Panchang. The Panchangam that we offer includes a thorough analysis of how current day will go in terms of brief explanation about daily five elements i.e, Vara (Day), Tithi (the lunar day), Nakshatra (the Vedic constellations), Yoga, Karan. Also, we provide in our panchanga Vikram era, paksha, moon sign, sun sign, panchak information, important Hindu festivals, yatra (traveling) muhurta, Hindu month name, as well as Rahu Kaal and timing for sunrise and sunset. These valuable suggestions can relate to helping you find the best time to start out your activity or plan it without getting obsessed with negative results. Read our today Panchang which is available in English and Hindi and prepared by an experienced Astrologer who owns profound knowledge and understanding in astrology.
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Also, PavitraJyotish provide in our Hindu Calendar English and Hindi information regarding the Vikram era, Paksha, moon sign, sun sign, panchak information, important Hindu festivals, yatra (traveling) Muhurta, Hindu month name, as well as Rahu Kaal and timing for sunrise and sunset. These valuable suggestions are meant to give you proper assistance in finding the right time to start your new activity. Moreover, you can use it to plan out your new initiative as well. Our free services, like Daily Horoscope, and Weekly Horoscopes can also come in handy for your needs. Unlock your destiny: Explore panchangam wisdom with Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant!
Read our accurate Hindu Calendar English and Hindi prepared by an experienced Astrologer who has profound knowledge and understanding of astrology.
What is a Today Panchang, and why is it important?
Daily Panchang or today Panchang is an astrological update or timekeeping of important details involving Vara, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karan.
Panchangam is important because it helps you plan your everyday activities according to favorable planetary movements, cosmic energy force, and celestial activities. The Panchang details the timing of key information like auspicious Muhurta for conducting Vedic rituals, travelling to a new destination, or undertaking a new project, etc. Basically, with the help of Today Panchang you get proper knowledge and understanding of how to work on your daily priorities with cosmic alignment so that the outcome is promising and in your favor.
How can I use Today Panchang to plan my day effectively?
Panchang helps you align your everyday priorities with auspicious timings and movements of planetary bodies. For instance, you can prioritize your daily activities based on favorable cosmic influences. This way you would ensure a greater chance for the successful outcome of your activities. Since this Hindu calendar consists of five key elements such as Tithi (lunar day), Vaar (day of the week), Nakshatra (lunar mansion), Yoga (auspicious combinations), and Karana (half Tithi), it is noteworthy that each element helps you in decision-making approaches and successes in your chosen endeavors, like business or career.
What information does the Daily Panchang on PavitraJyotish.com provide?
Daily Panchang on PavitraJyotish provides you with information related to daily Muhurta, auspicious timings for auspicious ceremonies, updates on how your current day would pan out, and a brief explanation of the five elements, like Vara (Day), Tithi (the lunar day), Nakshatra (the Vedic constellations), Yoga, Karan. You will also get our Panchang descriptions in both English and Hindi, depending on your language preference. You will also get the information of seeking consultation with astrologer, Pt Umesh Chandra Pant to illuminate your future pathways.
Can I access the Panchang in both Hindi and English?
Yes. At PavitraJyotish, we make available our compact Panchang in both Hindi and English languages.
How is the Panchang prepared, and who creates it?
Preparation of Panchang is complex astronomical calculations. At PavitraJyotish, we consider the positions and movements of the Sun and Moon, and other planetary bodies. The experience and expertise of our astrologer are employed meticulously to create a detailed Panchang. Preparation also includes consideration of the five elements, skills, and talent of our astrologer in deciphering complex cosmic nuances.
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Daily Horoscope and Weekly Horoscope
Vikram Era: 2081, Saka Era: 1946, Month: Ashwini, Paksha: Krishna, Tithi: Tritiya till 09.16 pm, Day: Friday, Nakshatra: Ashwini till 02.43 am, Yoga: Dhruva till 03.19 pm, Karana: Vanija Sun Sign: Virgo, Moon Sign: Aries, Rahu Kaal: From 10.30 am to 12.00 pm, Sun Rise: 06.13 am, Sun Set: 06.16 pm.
Specials Today – Tritiya Shraddha.
Special – Don’t make your travelling westbound today. If needed, on Friday, donate white sandalwood, conch, and country-made ghee.
विक्रमी संवत्ः 2081, शक संवत्ः 1946, मासः आश्विनी़ पक्षः कृष्ण, तिथिः तृतीया रात्रि काल 09.16 तक है, वारः शुक्रवार, नक्षत्रः अश्विनी रात्रि काल 02.43 तक है, योग धु्रव़ अपराहन् काल 03.19 तक है। करणः वणिज, सूर्य राशिः कन्या, चन्द्र राशिः मेष, राहू कालः प्रातः 10.30 बजे से दोपहर 12.00 बजे तक, सूर्योदयः 06.13, सूर्यास्तः 06.16 बजे।
नोटः आज तृतीया का श्राद्ध है।
नोटः आज पश्चिम दिशा की यात्रा न करें। शुक्रवार को अति आवश्यक होने पर सफेद चंदन, शंख, देशी घी का दान देकर यात्रा करें।