
Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope PavitraJyotish

Get Your Monthly Activities Predicted – Sagittarius Horoscope

December 2024 Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope Predictions

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope reveals free monthly astrological prediction about multilayered situations in your life so that an effective solution can help you win over difficulty and manage your priority well. Get your Free Sagittarius Monthly Astrology prediction from our expert Astrologer in South Delhi.

Career and Business:

The first, third and fourth week of the month of December will open up new areas for investigation and expansion in matters of career for those born in Sagittarius.  Those inclined to begin new ventures will find options for progress.  If you are keen to take up a new job option, this month will give you desirable results. The impact of transit Jupiter will be much in favor for you. However towards the end of this month, some struggle and efforts will have to be placed in the right direction for optimum gain. Worry about your career? Not being able to make a right career choice. Avail our career report and demystify the success and unanswered mystery of your career’s growth.

Love and Relationship:

From the beginning of the month, you will note harmony, comfort and peace amidst your loved ones. For establishing personal relations, the second week will bring in ample opportunities. Intimacy with your loved ones will take off all miscommunication and smoothen the atmosphere. However the third and fourth week may bring in minor disturbances and irritability. It will be good if you observe patience and look into situations with understanding. What causes a delay in your marriage? Choose love and marriage prospects and knows about your relationship prospect better.Book An Appointment With Astrologer By PavitraJyotish


Those who are born in Sagittarius, will note many ways of increasing their finances in the month of December. The first and third week will remain favorable for gain in finances. Better life style, indulging in electronic gadgets and spending in luxury will be noted. The last week will bring in spending for food and luxury. Worried about financial conditions? Is there no solution in sight? Well, choose our financial report and get appropriately phrased answered to your financial conundrums in life. Quality solution promised.

Education and Knowledge:

Those involved in technical and intellectual fields of education, will be appreciated for your working abilities by those in authority. The impact of transit of Jupiter in the beginning of the month will remain noticeable and gainful. However minor hiccups cannot be ruled out. Hence it is advisable to maintain calm and remain focused. Get your education report and be the master of how your education takes it course to the success of your dream.


This month will give mixed results in matters of health. The last week will bring in vibrant energy, passion and vitality. Lingering ailments will be cured. Due to the relation of Sun and Jupiter in this month, there may be mixed results expected. It would be worthwhile to develop healthy and hygienic eating habits. Does health concern get the best on your decision these days? Want to get the best astro solution about your health? Ask for health report, a complete guide to your sound well-being life.

Remedial Measures:

To ward off the malefic impacts of planets, it is advisable to worship Vishnu, Radha-Krishna and Sita-Ram at various temples. Offering flowers as ornaments for the deity will bring in god luck and prosperity. Feeding birds is a good remedial measure for those born in Sagittarius.

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