
Sun Transit In Leo On 17th August 2019

Published On : August 9, 2019  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Sun Transiting In Leo And Its Relative Impacts In The Native’s Life

Sun Transit In Leo On 17th August 2019 | Surya Simha Rashi Mai

Mighty Sun king of the Zodiac enters own sign Leo from Saturday 17th August 2019 at 01:18 PM.

This movement of Sun through own can lead more heavy rains in most part of our country. Warring state heads are to try for reconciliation to reduce trade war. Government may take some drastic move for seemingly welfare of people of country. Some decision by government is to be challenged in court of law.

We here try to explore with Vedic Astrology effect of Sun transiting in own sign Leo for all Moon signs.

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Mighty Sun rules the fifth house for your sign. Sun moves through the fifth house for your sign. This movement of Sun indicates about progressive time ahead for you. However, you have to keep exerting more and work methodically to make progress in your pursuit. Business person gets opportunity to strike good profitable deal here. Job holder is to keep performing effectively and able to give more output. Job holder expects to get promoted with due hike in remuneration. In regard to health, you need to remain much careful here. Middle aged and above need to take due care about nagging old health issue. Inflow of money is to increase here for you. You are to remain in a healthy financial position. Plan your finance with long term in view and keep enough provision for contingency.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

The fourth house is ruled by Sun for your Taurus sign. Sun moves through the fourth house for your sign. Viewing this, you need to keep your cool and remain temperamentally correct to make desired level of progress in your pursuit. Some kind of discontent is to keep brewing in. Direct this discontent to enhance your performance. Employed one needs to aim at giving more output. Business person has to exert more, contact more potential customers to run the show encouragingly. You need to take due measures to keep digestive system in order. Domestic expenses are to increase here. You have to exert more to increase inflow of money for you.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Sun rules the third house for your sign. Sun moves through the third house. You may incline to spend money in social circle. Your social circle is to expand here. However, do not go overboard in spending money and remain concern about saving money. You are able to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. In regard to health, some kind of viral infection can catch up with you. Viewing this, you need to take due precautionary measures to save from viral infection. Now seems good favorable time for business person to contact more potential customers to increase sales. Job holder needs to take out time to brush up skills and try to gather knowledge about your occupational activity.

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Sun holds portfolio of the second house, linked with finance and family mainly. Sun moves through the second house now. This can lead to increase in family related expenses. You need to refrain from taking major decision related to finance or family in haste driven by impulse. Inflow of money is likely to increase here for you. You need to keep enough provision for contingency here. You are to remain in a healthy financial position from September. Business person may need to lower margins to score over competitors. In regard to health, issue related to respiratory system can concern you. Viewing this, keep off visiting place where air pollution is of high level.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Mighty Sun being ruler of your sign, moves through your sign. Movement of Sun carries much importance for you. Sun moving through your sign, strengthens your immune system. Even if you fall ill, you are to recover fast. Middle aged and above if being troubled by irregularity in blood pressure, need to remain much careful. It is good to have a regular check up to keep tab on any variation in blood pressure. Regular inflow of money is to be maintained. You are not to incur any major expense here. You are to have opportunity to enhance your prospects on occupational front. There is a possibility about getting injured on upper part of the body. Take due care in this regard.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

Sun owns the 12th house for your Virgo sign. Sun now moves through the 12th house. This movement of Sun leads to increase in personal habitual and other wise expenses. Do not take undue risk by deviating from ethical practices to push ahead financial prospects. Else you may incur financial loss here. Execute due discrimination while spending money. In regard to health there is a probability about getting injured by falling from heights. Remain careful in this regard. Besides, you need to be careful about right eye. If your vision becomes hazy, need to visit eye specialist soon. He is to detect the cause and do needful for you to start having clear vision.

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Libra (Tula Rashi)

Sun rules the eleventh house for your sign and now moves through the eleventh house. This movement of Sun does not spell for you about relationship in general. Viewing this, avoid conflict and refrain from any kind of controversy. This movement of mighty Sun presents opportunity to benefit monetarily. Job holder if incline to change assignment is likely to succeed in getting optional employment opportunity wherein growth prospects are encouraging and remuneration is more than present. Business person is able to have deals with potential customers here. You are to remain in a comfortable position on financial front. You are to enjoy good general health condition here.

Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

Sun holds important portfolio of the tenth house, linked with occupation alias ‘Karma’. Sun moves through the tenth house for your sign. Viewing this, you are able to enhance your prospects on occupational front. Business person dealing with government or semi government organization is able to sign a long term contract here. Successful handling of the contract enhances reputation of business person. Job holder remains under pressure from immediate boss to hurry up things and give more output. Inflow of money stands to increase here. Gain here lifts spirits and you remain optimistic about future prospects. In regard to health, no major health issue is to concern you. You are to enjoy good general health condition here.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

The ninth house linked with luck in general, is owned by mighty Sun. Now Sun moves through the ninth house. If you are stuck up on occupational front, you are to get good opportunity to work upon and earn handsomely. You are to remain in a healthy financial position here. Family and household related expenses are to increase. You are able to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. You have not to bear any kind of major expenses here. Business person is to successfully negotiate a major deal with a high worth customer here. Employed one keeps performing effectively and give targeted output. No major health issue is to concern you here. You are to remain in a good general health condition here.

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

Sun rules the eighth house for your sign. Sun now moves through the eighth house. Viewing this, you need to remain temperamentally correct to make satisfactory progress in your pursuit. You need to handle matter related to finance much carefully. Refrain from taking major decision related to finance in haste driven by impulse. If you are spiritually inclined and eager to know more about spiritual practices, now seems good supportive time make due progress on spiritual path. You need to remain much careful about health here. Middle aged and above if being troubled by irregularity in blood pressure, try to reduce consumption of salt and avoid stressful situation.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

The seventh house is ruled by Sun for your sign. Sun moves through the seventh house. Viewing this, you need to remain cool headed while conversing with one in a confirm relationship with you. If you run business in partnership, keep your partner in loop about your action plan for growth and progress in business. Married one needs to take due care about sensibilities of life partner and refrain from doing things which hurts her sentiment. In regard to health, there is a possibility about getting injured on upper part of the body. Remain much careful in this regard. Refrain from taking undue risk by cutting corners to push ahead financial prospects. You are to get good opportunity to benefit monetarily.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Sun owns the sixth house and moves therein now. This movement is to present new challenges for you. Accept new challenges willingly and keep working over the same to make desirable level of progress on occupational front. Business person remains concern about stiff competition. Business person may need to lower margins to remain competitive by scoring over the competitors. Job holder remains committed to raise efficiency bar to give more output. In regard to health, excess of acidic reflux is to bother you. Besides gulping antacid tablets, try to include fiber rich grain and vegetables in your diet. This works well to flush out excess of acidic reflux from digestive system. Have effective check on unwarranted expenses to remain in a healthy financial position.

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Also Read: Sun Transit Libra On 18th October 2019 and Sun Transit Scorpio On 18th October 2019

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