
Solar Eclipse on 26 December 2019

Published On : November 13, 2019  |  Author : Astrologer Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Learn What Entails In Upcoming Solar Eclipse On 26 December 2019

About Solar Eclipse On 26 December 2019. A Solar Eclipse or Surya Grahan is a celestial formation to which the moon casts its shadow on a portion of the earth, thus resulting in blockage of the sunlight to a certain or full extent. The time of the occurrence of the solar eclipse refers to the alignment of the three celestial bodies; Sun, Moon, and Earth coinciding with a new moon which signals the nearness of the Moon to the ecliptic plane. So, basically the solar eclipse happens when the part of the earth gets shadowed by the Moon when it passes in front of the sun. Though solar eclipse is a natural occurrence, but certain archaic cultures tell that it is the result of supernatural causes.

Effect of Surya Grahan According to Astrology

Solar Eclipse takes place in a dual nature last of fire sign Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) on 26th December 2019.  Coincidentally Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and malefic Ketu are also stationed in last of fire sign Sagittarius, when Solar eclipse takes place in Sagittarius. Solar Eclipse is to be visualized in India. Accept in southern part of India in other parts it is partly solar eclipse.

For around three months after effects of solar eclipse can be experienced.

In some parts of the world weather can have devastating effect. Communication, transportation in all respect can see disruption. This solar eclipse is to have disturbing effect on local political front. This eclipse can lead to mobility, progressive and financial gain for some natives. Eclipse can have varied effect on native, like having health issue, getting stuck up financially or business and career related.

We here try to explore the effect and prospects of all Moon sign of this Solar Eclipse.

Effect of  Solar Eclipse 26th December 2019 on Various Zodiac Signs

Aries (Mesh Rashi)

Sun rules the fifth house for your Aries Zodiac sign. Solar eclipse takes place in the ninth house, linked with luck in general besides other things. Viewing this, some major breakthrough in matter related to career or business is envisaged here, in due course of time. Progressive times ahead for you have a strong possibility. No major health issue is to trouble in near future. You may come across new avenue to increase inflow of money now.

Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

Sun rules the fourth house for your Taurus Zodiac sign. Solar eclipse takes place in the eighth house for your sign. If you are spiritually inclined, you can have major breakthrough to move ahead on spiritual path. This eclipse can open door to have gain from inheritance for you. However, you need to remain careful about health in ensuing time. If you are career oriented or doing business, some constrain may hold you from making due progress. You may need to arrange for some urgent domestic need.

Gemini (Mithun Rashi)

Sun rules the third house for your Gemini Zodiac sign. Solar eclipse in Sagittarius happens in the seventh house for your sign. Viewing this, you need to remain much careful about health in coming time. You can have issue related to confirm relationship, like life partner or business partner if any. Keep communication alive to preserve harmony  with one in confirm relationship with you. Look into minute detail if signing a document or a deal. Take due care to maintain harmony with ones in family relationship.

Cancer (Karka Rashi)

Sun rules the second house, linked with finance and family mainly. Solar eclipse takes place in the sixth house for your Cancer Zodiac sign. As an after effect, things are to move well for you on occupational and financial front as well. You are able to soar over any obstacle coming your way on road to progress. However, you need to make provision to meet unexpected expenses. No major health issue is likely to concern in ensuing time.

Leo (Simha Rashi)

Sun rules your Leo Zodiac sign. Solar eclipse happens in the fifth house for your sign. You may have kind of major issue with one you are emotionally attached. You need to take care about sensibilities of the concern person and not do things which hurt sensibility. You need to take due care of your health. You need to take major decision related to finance or otherwise after due deliberation and weighing pros and cons with long term in view.

Virgo (Kanya Rashi)

The 12th house is ruled by mighty Sun for your Virgo Zodiac sign. Solar eclipse happens in fourth sign for your sign. Viewing this, you may need to attend some urgent domestic matter. Things may not work well for you on health front. Do not neglect even minor looking health issue. Middle aged and above need to take due care about nagging old health issue. Some issue related to personal life is to concern you in ensuing time. You may need to exert more on occupational front to achieve your objective about making desirable level of progress.

Libra (Tula Rashi)

The eleventh house is domain of mighty Sun for your Libra Zodiac sign. Solar eclipse takes place in the third house for your sign. Viewing this you need to take due care during short term travel. You need to avoid conflict and keep off from controversy. Some major change for betterment is envisaged in ensuing time for you. You are to remain in a healthy financial position in coming times. You need to execute due discrimination in spending money and remain concern about saving money for future needs.

Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)

The tenth house linked with occupation, profession is ruled by Sun for your Scorpio Zodiac sign. Solar eclipse takes place in the second house linked with finance and family for your sign. Viewing this, you need to handle matter related to finance carefully. Take major decision related to finance after weighing pros and cons with long term in view. You need to remain careful about health issue. Middle aged and above if being troubled by nagging old health issue, have a regular check up to become aware about any variation.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

Solar eclipse takes place in your Sagittarius Zodiac sign. Viewing this, some major looking health issue can concern you in ensuing time. You need to have a balanced diet and take due care to keep digestive system in order. Some new meaningful relationship is to develop in coming time. Some old relationship may fade away. You need to execute due discrimination about spending money. Some new challenges may come up while moving ahead on road to progress. You need to remain aware about ground reality. If you are spiritually inclined, something big seems in offing for you in matter related to spirituality.

Capricorn (Makar Rashi)

The eighth house is ruled by Sun for your Capricorn Zodiac sign. Solar eclipse takes place in the 12th house for your sign. Viewing this, you may have stressful time as an after effect of solar eclipse. You need to remain focused at task on hand to make progress in your pursuit. You need to remain much careful about health. Now seems good time ahead to make progress in spirituality. You need to keep enough provision for contingency. You need to keep effective check on unwarranted expenses to remain in a comfortable position on financial front.

Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

Sun rules the seventh house for your Aquarius Zodiac sign. Solar eclipse takes place in the eleventh house, linked with gain for your sign. Viewing this, you are to get good opportunity to have spirit enlivening monetary gain. Gain here adds more strength to your position on financial front. You need to keep your cool and aim at maintaining peace and harmony in relationship. Job holder is to feel happy on getting long due incentive. Business person is able to strike a big ticket deal in ensuing time.

Pisces (Meen Rashi)

Sun rules the sixth house for your Pisces Zodiac sign. Solar eclipse takes place in the tenth house for your sign. Viewing this, you are to have kind of challenging time ahead on occupational, professional front. You have to exert more to make due progress in your pursuit. Married one needs to do things to preserve warmth and harmony in relationship with life partner. You are to enjoy good general health condition in ensuing time. You need to focus on fitness for good.

Read the Important Facts About Solar Eclipses (Surya Grahan), and other details pertaining to Solar Eclipse On 21 June 2020, Important Information And Facts Related To The Lunar Eclipse (Chandra Grahan), Lunar Eclipse (Chandra Grahan) On 31st January 2018, Sun Transit In Sagittarius On 16th December 2018.

Don’t forget to read: Solar Eclipse On 21 June 2020 and Lunar Eclipse On 26 May 2021

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