Mercury Transit In Taurus On 1st May 2021

Mercury Transit In Taurus On 1st May 2021

Mercury Transit On 1st May 2021, In Taurus | Budh Vrishabh Rashi Mai

Mercury Transit In Taurus On 1st May 2021, at 05:49 AM to May 26, 2021, at 9:25 AM. 

The lord of logic & communication Mercury will transit through the fixed sign Taurus on May 01, 2021, at 05:49 AM and will remain in the same sign till May 26, 2021, at 9:25 AM. Taurus is the sign ruled by the planet Venus friendly to the planet Mercury. So while transiting through this sign, Mercury will provide mostly good results. The creative side and artistic caliber will get enhanced while transiting through this sign, people will communicate very creatively and influential. The memory will also be a very sharp and good time to collect wealth through creativity and art. People involved in the field of writing, creativity, designing, or art will get the most out of this period.

Now let’s understand the impact of this Planetary Transit below over the different zodiac signs. Prediction is based on Moon sign only:

Mercury Transit 2021 AriesAries (Mesh Rashi)

The lord of logic & speech Mercury becomes the ruler of your 3rd house of “Efforts & Communication” and 6th house of “Debt, Disease or Enemies” and is about to transit through your 2nd house of wealth & family. This transit looks challenging for you especially in terms of finances & savings. You should not sign any documents without reading them thoroughly. Always analyze the situation before making any investments. It would be great to postpone your ideas related to money. Your thoughts may wander into false imaginations so you should try to be very specific towards your goals in this period in order to stay focused towards one goal and make the maximum benefits. Be determined and avoid indulging yourself in debts.

Mercury Transit 2021 TaurusTaurus (Vrishabh Rashi)

The lord of communication & intellect Mercury governs your second house of wealth & family and the fifth house of education & intellect and will transit through your 1st house of self or personality. Taureans! It is going to be an auspicious transit for you and will provide you very excellent results too. Your personality will get enhanced. Your analyzing and observing skills will come to the core and will provide you the strong power to manifest things as per your own suitability. Your communication and intellect will be very sharp to calculate immediately the profit & loss in this period. On the contrary, work on your indecisiveness and wavering thoughts in order to maintain consistency.

Mercury- Transit 2021 GeminiGemini (Mithun Rashi)

The lord of logic and communication Mercury governs your first house of “Self” or “Personality” and the fourth house of “comforts” & “happiness” and will transit through your 12th house of foreign land & expenditures. This period looks problematic for you due to the involvement of Dusthana house i.e 12th house. It shows that you might feel isolated from worldly desires in this period. Your imagination will be high and you would be highly imaginative in this period. You are advised to be into reality and control over your confusion in this period. In this period, you are also advised to control your unnecessary anger & aggression in order to maintain consistency. Do not trust everyone in this period too. On the contrary, it looks good for receiving the gains through foreign sources.

Mercury Transit 2021 CancerCancer (Karka Rashi)

The lord of logic & intellect Mercury governs your third house of “Efforts & Communication” and the twelfth house of “Foreign land & expenditures” and will transit through your 11th house of income & gains. This period will provide you the mixed results. On a good note, you may experience good gains through foreign sources and spiritualism. On the contrary, this period indicates the fear with regards to your income & revenues. It also shows the unnecessary expenditures and losses for you. So always beware while making any changes or initiate any change in this period. Use your communicative ability and put your hard endeavours into this period to obtain the maximum benefits in this period.

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Mercury Transit 2021 LeoLeo (Simha Rashi)

The lord of intellect & logic Mercury governs your second house of “Wealth & family” and 11th house of “Income” & “Gains” and will transit through your 10th house of career & profession. This period looks good for you and you will attain the maximum benefits during this transit. This is a good time to increase your status and reputation in society or on the work front. Your name & fame will rise on your work front. Your wealth & savings will rise too. You may get a good opportunity too at your work. Chances to have the promotion and rewards are likely to be there for you. The performed actions will get fructify in this period. However, you are still advised to stay grounded in this period and believe in reality rather than getting your imaginary world.

Mercury Transit 2021 VirgoVirgo (Kanya Rashi)

The lord of communication & logic Mercury rules over your 1st house of “Self” or “Personality” and 10th house of “Career & Profession” and will transit through your 9th house of luck & fortune. During this transit, you will have good gains as this period will make you more fortunate. Your luck will mostly be in your favour. Good transit for your career & profession as you may have a good hike in your salary. It is going to be a good transit for your business expansion too. Beware from any false guru or mentor in this period as it may provide you some loss or may cheat on you. Rests try to respect your parents and maintain good relations with your siblings in this period. Do not allow your aggression or impulsiveness to overpower your thought process in this period.

Mercury Transit 2021 LibraLibra (Tula Rashi)

The lord of communication & intellect Mercury governs your 9th house of “Luck & Fortune” and 12th house of “Foreign Land & Expenditure” and will transit through your 8th house of uncertainty & transformation. This period will provide you the mixed results. Any association through foreign sources will come up with good gains for you due to the formation of Vipreet Raj yoga. Good time to receive the PR or Visa in this period suddenly. On the contrary, this period indicates that you may have some problems related to the support of your luck. Your luck may not be in your favour much so always believe in your extra hard work in this period. People involved in the field of import & export, media & communication, publication, etc will get the good outcomes in this period.

Mercury Transit 2021 ScorpioScorpio (Vrischik Rashi)

The lord of logic & intellect Mercury rules your 8th house of uncertainty & transformation and 11th house of income & gains and will transit through your 7th house of marriage & partnership. This period looks like a mixed one for you. It might create some issues in your marital life. The health of your spouse needs more attention in this period. Though it looks good period in terms of receiving the name, fame, and reputation in the society, but it may provide you the wavering thoughts, confusion, and stress too. You should believe in reality rather than wandering your thoughts in multiple directions. It indicates the sudden gains too and may make you a good analyzer and observer too in this period.

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Mercury Transit 2021 SagittariusSagittarius (Dhanu Rashi)

The lord of communication & logic Mercury rules your seventh house of “Marriage & Partnership” and tenth house of “Career & Profession” and will transit through your 6th house of debt, disease, or enemies. This period looks challenging for these zodiac sign people. Your marital life may get disturbed; the reason could be either the health of your life partner or the unnecessary fights or arguments. For employed people, it looks moderate and their work environment will run without any major changes. On the contrary, your curiosity will get enhanced in this period and you will start taking interest towards nature or animal. The student will see some problems related to concentration. So be a wise man and grounded in order to handle any of the adverse situations.

Mercury Transit 2021 CapricornCapricorn (Makar Rashi)

The lord of logic & intellect Mercury rules your sixth house of debt, disease, or enemies and the ninth house of luck & fortune and will transit through your 5th house of education & intellect. This is a good transit for these zodiac sign people. Your intellect would become sharper in this period. You would come out as a storyteller too. People will like your company in this period due to your verbal communication. You will love to have fun in this period. You may take interest in getting a higher education. People involved in the field of law, accounts, audit or service industry, etc will get good benefits in this period. Be structured and grounded to taste the success mantra in this period.

Mercury Transit 2021 AquariusAquarius (Kumbh Rashi)

The lord of intellect & logic Mercury is the ruling planet of your fifth house of “Intellect & Education” and 8th house of “Uncertainty & Transformation” and will transit through your 4th house of comforts & happiness. This period looks good for you and your In-Laws will come up with good gains and happiness for you. Mostly your attention will be towards improving your personal life in this period. You should stay focused in this period rather than having wandering thoughts. The student should be more focused to clear any exam in this period. Sudden events might take place within your home or personal front. The work-related to research, audit or account, etc will suit you more in this period.

Mercury Transit 2021 PiscesPisces (Meen Rashi)

The lord of intellect & logic Mercury rules your fourth house of comforts & happiness and the seventh house of marriage & partnership and will transit through your 3rd house of efforts & communication. This period looks good in terms of enhancing your communication skills and analyzing ability. Be determined to chase your stars in this period. Your observing skills will be good and will help you to watch things very minutely. The relations with your mother & father will get improved in this period. Though many times, you might feel stressed in this period, with your endurance power, you will be able to tackle any of the adverse situations well in this period. Avoid making any arguments in your marital life in this period or else it may increase the fight and the harmony would get disturbed ultimately.

Marriage Report is one of the useful Astrology Service solutions for those experiencing troubled marital union with their partners. Don’t worry for the problems, this report contains solutions to anything problematic in marriage.

Don’t forget to read: Venus Transit In Taurus On 4th May 2021 and Saturn Retrograde In Capricorn 23 May 2021

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